Monday, January 4, 2016

You're damn right it's political - The Gulfstream Hotel

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At the first reading of this ordinance a resident who is a former Lake Worth city attorney commented that she supported the ordinance to give Hudson Holdings an upzoning on their parcels known as The Gulfstream Hotel.

Her reasoning: The Gulfstream Hotel had been standing empty for years. There was a need for meeting or wedding rooms to be provided. There was a five or six story nursing home a block away from her home and no one knew that it was there. There was a need for a six-story hotel and a need for it in the City. She said she was sad that people were politicizing this issue. The ordinance was good for the City.

Well, surprise!  OF COURSE, it is political.  We voted on it. And her opinion is just that--opinion by someone who once got her paycheck from the City. Hudson Holdings can build a 45 foot building--they do NOT need a 6 story building, nor do they need a 5 story building in order to make money. Their own attorney said that most hotels needed 120 rooms. There is a difference between NEED and WANT and in this case it is called GREED.  And the city commission of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso are allowing this to happen and don't give a fig about you and your vote in their desperation for a hotel. They believe in the wants of the owners over their own citizens' vote and prefer to call us liars.

What is GOOD for the city is to honor the vote on the Heights Charter Amendment. This commission trio chooses to believe an investor over the people who the "visionaries" have accused in a public meeting of lying to get the vote. It wasn't the people who promised 20 months ago that renovations would begin at the Gulfstream within 9 months. We the people only care about our city--not the almighty dollar or who Hudson Holdings wants to flip the property to. So who do you find the most honest?

We are allowed to amend our Charter.

Action:3/2 with McVoy and Maier dissenting.

In 27 days, we gathered 1790 signatures that were gathered by 43 volunteers. Some only got their next door neighbor but every signature was important. We even had John Szerdi turning in two signatures.


  1. You already know what these three are going to do. They have to be about the most arrogant bunch alive. This is shades of Greater Bay, a little different but the same sort of thing. This commission trusts HH to build a hotel just like a former commission trusted Greater Bay. I don't trust them at all so why should a vote be ignored?

  2. It's politics, @10:30 and this trio believes they are in the right on this one even though the people said otherwise. Amazing. They need to reach out to the 1790 people who signed our petition and see what they believe. But they don't even return a phone call.

    This is not about the Gulfstream Hotel, not really. This is all about the vote and what the people said they wanted in the downtown.

  3. Are you referring to the vote that was deemed NULL AND VOID by the state of Florida? Then you complain abut being called a LIAR? You know the commission has nothing to do with your NULL AND VOID vote yet you continue to lie about it for political reasons. That makes you a liar.

  4. It was called Null and Void by our city attorney--not the State of Florida. And if you want to call me a liar, use your real name. If not, that makes you one big gigantic coward!

  5. i could care less about the owners of the gulf stream and our tax rolls, i don't want the sunshine blocked out dammit!!


  6. Cute, anonymous you are such a sweetie

  7. Lynn has presented the facts; you would like her to re-interpret them for your political purposes.
    The court NEVER ruled and the case was withdrawn with prejudice, meaning it can be refiled.
    The Commission has everything to do with their failure to amend the Charter. They want to satisfy Hudson rather than the citizens they are supposed to represent. 14 months ago I met Mr Michael at a meeting he called; HE SAID THE HOTEL WOULD BE REOPEN IN 14 MONTHS.

    How does the City find such people? Szerdi, Bornstein, and the unholy trio in the Commission seats are to blame for this latest divisive fiasco.





  8. Well then anon at 12:48 why not burn it down. Then your kids can see the light, twice... As it bonfires and in the aftermath as they can see all the natural light you want. Why don't you take them to Bryant Park and let them play? Are the addicts a threat to you and your kids? Making it a wee bit uncomfortable ?

  9. Do you think that Pam, Scott and Andy can solve the homeless and all the addicts in this city before the election? That would be a real coup d'etat for them. Go Pam. Solve it/

  10. Van, so you support Ryan Hartman, the again convicted author of mayhem?


    You must be high man. If you think we're in the shitter now, just wait... In fact, just wait until Februay when all his invited anachist friends descend upon LW for the month and reign chaos in our downtown... Over 750 are expected to enjoy 'weather to sleep outside in and lots of free food. And they want to be arrested...and if you ask him nicely, he'll have weed for sure (he brags about it and used to own a dispensary in Colorado!) might share with you.

    So how is that gonna look like as we host our 22thvAnnual Strret Painting Festival?

    Hartman is a circus clown (watch for them to don custumes and face paint as yes, clowns).

    He is a distraction meant to take attention off the other candidates and our real issues.

    How about Gary? The local lawn mowing business man? Seems like a nice guy.

  11. Just to clarify the above "anonymous" comment--most is conjecture.
    We don't know that any of the environmentalists are coming here to help Ryan. I was told they have nothing to do with the election.

    I don't know that they will be wearing clown costumes or paint their faces. Sounds nuts to me as they are serious about Earth First.

    Also don't know about "weed." Sounds like you are making some of this stuff up.

    Just sit tight. We will all soon find out. Stop throwing stones.

  12. Screw dark skies!

    Bring on the high sodium halogens and light up the place... Cockaroaches scatter when you shine a light on them.

    Just ask Dillon from the Cava bar... He's actively looking for volunteers to join him over at the Cultural Park flashing his high beams and pissing the druggies off. Crazy, but it's working, at least temporarily.

    Go Dillon!

    (A few of you may ask, 'well why is Dillon doing that?'. Well some of the druggy vagrants are at least enterprising, and selling bootleg Cava drinks out of their backpacks that's cutting into Dillon's profit margin at his Cava bar). (Wonder what else they are selling?). ( anyone with half a brain might come up with heroin!)

    Interesting, given that he and his ilk (vape store, hookah lounge) are a haven for these addicts seeking a 'legal' high that won't show up in a drug test.

  13. I'm all up for new mayor, I like Andy, couldn't vote for Hartman, never in a million years! As far as weed goes no problem many have done it in college.

  14. His EF! Everglades and EF! Journal have pictures of them in clown makeup.

    Various TV news crews video taped their antics - don't be lazy - google it... His arrest in 2014 at FPL HQ by the Juno Beach PD,

    There is video from various Colorado TV stations interviewing him about his legal marijuana biz in Boulder or Colorado Springs.

    And frankly if he was really an environmentalist, then I question how he could've thrown a car battery into a lake at the protest in Palm Beach Gardens in front of the Jewish preschool on Hood Rd which drove his subsequent arrest in December 2014 and which he was convicted of in November 2015 at the main Palm Beach County courthouse in downtown Wet Palm Beach.

    Those aren't stones being thrown, they are the facts being shared.

    And Lynn, you're absolutely right, we will all soon find out.

  15. @3:32...Hartman did NOT throw a battery into the lake. You really need to do some better research and find out who did it.

  16. Dillon is a good friend of Andy's, isn't he?

  17. Anon at 2:57 How do you know how many People with Earth First are going to be here?No,of course you don't.
    Were you worried about the unlabeled KRATOM that the Kava bar handed out at the last street painting festival? No,of course you weren't .
    Were you worried about how the crappy ,illegal banner that Greg Rice and Loretta Sharpe hung on the Gulfstream Hotel looked at a previous street painting festival? No, of course you weren't.
    How do you know that Mr. Hartman will have "weed" on him? You don't.
    Are you worried that Commissioner Andy I'm not a goat fucker Amoroso will be handing out COCO COCKS,HORNY GUMMY MEN or CANDY G-STRINGS from the back room of his Lake Avenue shop during the street painting festival? No of course not!
    You say because Mr. Hartman was a clown, he and hid friends will dress up as clowns.Commissioner Andy I'm not a goat fucker is a homosexual who sells trinkets and pornographic gag gifts.Do you think he and his friends are going to hang testicles all over themselves and walk around town?
    2:57 you are so selective in your ignorant outrage. You must work for Hudson Holdings.

  18. Lynn, am kinda shocked you posted aNon at 4:01 - no matter who it is about - jeez.
    Sadly,I also realize that people who express themselves that way are part of our town...ugh.
    Am also kinda shocked that you at 3:10 say you do not believe 'the environmentalists' (i.e.: anarchists) have anything to do with Ryan Hartmn running -
    Why shy away from calling them anarchists, which the majority certainly are?
    I gently say that maybe your extreme dislike for the 3 present Commissioners, has blinded you slightly ?

  19. Over the past day or two, I have posted several UGLY comments from one side or the other in politics. Can't discriminate here.
    As far as my saying that Earth First is not coming to town for the Hartman campaign, I can only tell you what I was told. It came from a good source who is not known to be a liar. So, once again, time will tell. But sometimes our imaginations will get away from us and at other times we like to believe what people tell us. So, I don't know. One thing I do know, it will be a tough campaign and I like to think that there are more people who feel as I do than they do on the other side of politics.

  20. One more thing--I don't know that Earth First consists of anarchists. They are environmentalists, however.

  21. Wow Lynn you have really stooped to the lowest of the low. How do expect to have any credence given to you or your blog when you allow slanderous one-sided comments? You must really really be scared.

  22. Scared of what, anonymous at 10:34. You see me shaking?

    I have allowed most all comments but the only ones that are slanderous are those coming from political advocates of Scott Maxwell. I weigh all comments before I launch them.

    This is not particularly a fair and balanced blog like Fox News, as I have said before. The worst and most disgusting comments are from supporters of this trio. That's a fact.
