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Friday, January 15, 2016
Worst speech of Obama's Presidency
He once offered hope and change, a promise that I never quite could grasp. Why would you want to change something that was not really broken? Maybe a few tweaks here and there and a few policy changes that could help the middle class were in order and a way to bring jobs back to the U.S..
Now? It's all total lackluster leadership especially in foreign policy. He knows better than his generals. The golf game is more important. We seem to be slip, sliding into Communism and apology, allowing our enemies as well as those crossing our border by the millions, to take advantage of our country and its treasury to the detriment of our people and businesses. It's sad. We all had so much hope. He let us down.
"Barack Obama's final State of the Union speech Tuesday night might go down in history as his worst.
Or maybe I'm just speaking personally. It's Obama's foreign policy -- not just the policy itself, but his dubious grasp of it -- that knocked my socks off."
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