Saturday, January 16, 2016

Setting the record straight on Lake Worth Legal Fees

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All of you who attended the NAPC debate remember Mayor Pam Triolo saying that under the trio's  leadership, they have saved "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on legal fees by the hiring of Glen Torcivia Law Firm (instead of having our own staff attorney).  Here are the facts:

From audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
"Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, & Changes in Fund Balance - Budget & Actual"
City Attorney Expense   
2009     $607,730
2010     $493,795
2011     $715,557
2012     $1,046,648
2013     $883,035
2014     $746,658


  1. The mayor, telling a lie? Oops, an exaggeration. I forgot they don't lie.

  2. I guess it shouldn't matter what was going on in those years. Like the getting out of some of the legal messes Stanton, Mulvehill, Golden and Jennings got us into. Not to mention what it cost us to "settle" the cases.

  3. So easy to say.
    Let's name them because it was the developer crowd that wanted then to give away our entire beach park to Greater Bay.
    It was the same sort of mindset back then that wanted to go with WPB Water rather than building our own RO plant. They signed a contract that would have cost us millions more and responsible people got us out of it saving us money.
    Unbelievable that we are still struggling with people making lousy decisions, isn't it?

  4. Finally a note of truth! I kept hearing about all these "settlements" pending settlements...etc. Of course with no number mentioned (confidential). And it certainly sounded to me like we were losing,...a lot of money. Their firm rep told me the best thing to do about the druggies here is "Nothing." Because "we might get sued." And we are paying these people such large sums why??
    And of course I am sure the answer, as usual, to all and every observation will be "because all those other people made this mess." Just how long can you put forth the same tired and not true statements and expect them to hold any weight when you have been in office 2+ terms? This majority does nothing but spend like drunken sailors and scream "WE HAVE NO MONEY." Except for developers--

  5. I'd love to know how many of those hours were spent finding ways to subvert the will of the voters. Our money, our loss.

  6. These numbers may seem high to someone with no legal experience but understand that it cost us millions of dollars over the past 12 years because this city was not willing to get proper legal counsel. I can't tell you how many times I sat in commission meetings listening to commissioners make statements that had far reaching legal consequences and saw the city attorney sit there and say absolutely nothing to stop them and protect this city. Having good legal counsel is worth every penny. How much have we saved by not getting sued and how much did it cost us because we had bad legal counsel are the questions we as taxpayers should be asking.

  7. "Good" is subjective.
    How much has it cost us to just go around the vote of the people on the Heights Amendment? What did it cost the city to fight the General Obligation bond? I can tell you that it cost a lot in goodwill with Susan Bucher.

  8. We blew millions to get out of a contract that would have cost us more in losses over 20-40 years. The stupidity of signing with GB cannot be overstated. Utter ignorance. The fact that the city managed to successfully redevelop the property ourselves with an ANARCHIST negotiating with the county chaps a lot of asses, I'm sure. No doubt someone will take this opportunity to label the beach a failure . . . same tired nonsense.

    Too bad we had lazy, ignorant commissioners who could not sign fast enough to unload our beach onto the highest bidder. We could have used that money in a lot of ways, instead of paying that flim-flam schemer who spent a ton of money staying at John Rinaldi's B&B.

    The "developer crowd" always gravitates toward the easier, softer way of dealing with city issues. Hard work? nope. Just call the developers and let's get home by 9:30. Re-elect these people and see how fast HH is back on our beach.
