Friday, January 15, 2016

OPEC - One Slippery Slick Group - How low can they go?

While reading about the price of gas at the pump, there is so much Mid-Eastern politics behind the scenes that is making this happen. And while Democrats cheer that the price of gas at the pump is low and continue to give kudos to Obama for this cheap gas (who has nothing to do with it), "OPEC has increased its oil production levels that are having huge effects on the American oil industry and affecting economies on a global scale.

In fact, 123,000 U.S. energy- and oil-related jobs have been slashed since January 1, 2015. Big Oil stocks like Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips have tumbled dramatically... down by as much as -29%, -39% and -41%, respectively, in the past year alone." Source:  Breitbart

Why is OPEC doing this? It is attempting to push this country out of the oil business by flooding the market thus driving down the price of oil to levels we haven't seen since the depression in 2009. They are so scared that we can be self-sufficient, if we so choose, but they are killing off the threat from the US shale industry that sent crude to its lowest level in seven years. 

America is the largest producer of oil in the world and OPEC is trying every trick to drive us out of business. Our companies are losing money (wages, benefits too high, etc.) and OPEC is making it unprofitable for our companies to compete as well as other countries whose economies depend on oil exportation to survive such as Venezuela.

Democrats keep rallying around a higher minimum wage but we are having trouble competing right now on a global level and our oil business is taking a giant hit. Sadly, too, Democrats hate fossil fuels. We even hear it from our own Lake Worth dais. Luckily, our economy does not depend on oil alone as does Saudi Arabia's at 90%. But, OPEC now faces a permanent headwind. Each rise in price will be capped by a surge in US output. Our infrastructure is in place. If we can hang in there, it's our technology that will pull us through. 

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