Friday, January 15, 2016

Gulfstream Hotel owners need to build per the Charter Referendum

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Today, an Op Ed piece appeared in the Palm Beach Post by Mark Horne. It had all the same arguments that the developer side and this trio commission has given to support the recent upzoning of the Gulfstream Hotel property. But what it failed to see was the bigger picture:
  • Hudson Holdings does not need an additional story over the Charter Amendment in order to be successful or make money. It will not impede their ability to sell the property to a hotelier or build it themselves. If they could, they would build even taller. They just pushed the envelope for one more story that they didn't really need and convinced this majority commission that without an upzoning, their project would fail. This commission wanted to believe them and their friend, John Szerdi, works for the owner.
  • It doesn't matter that there are taller buildings in that block of over 45 feet.  The voters said they did not want more of them. There should be no argument.
  • Later, they kept the city hostage to even doing one thing at the Gulfstream property. They wanted the city to give them the management of our casino complex and parking on a long term lease with renewals as well as development rights in order for them to go forward with a hotel renovation. 
  • No matter the number of people who showed up at the polls and cast their ballot does not matter nor does it discount the result. The vote is supreme in the United States of America. It was a free, fair and democratic election.
  • The city waited for three months to apply a new law that they say nullifies the vote thus motivating some to file a lawsuit and have the decision decided in court. The people shouldn't have to do this and have to always try to keep their elected officials accountable.
  • Leadership should listen to the people.  They are elected officials, not dictators.
  • The turnout for the Florida Primary vote in 2012 was 12.8%. In 2013, and an off year (no general election and therefore turn-out is always lower), those who cast their ballot in Lake Worth was over 15%, a better turnout than most municipalities in Palm Beach County. Those who cared about it, voted.
  • The city threw every obstacle in the way of getting out the vote--from using taxpayer money to oppose it, to putting it on the ballot at a time of year (March) that was not an advantage to voter turn-out. This was a strategic move by the city in order to try and defeat the Referendum which was won by 56% of the vote.
  • Hudson Holdings has not submitted an approved plan.  Everything that Hudson Holdings has said to date is hyperbole. These parcels that border residential property, have been upzoned and now every owner of any parcel can apply for an upzoning in that area.  
  • This upzoning voted in by Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso, will eventually be like octupus tentacles, with heights spreading out all over an area that has been designated by the trio to be a "Hotel District." Of course, there has only been one hotel there and it has been closed for a decade. The present owners have allowed the Gulfstream Hotel to accumulate several code violations and one lien.
  • Only two commissioners respected the people and the vote:  Christopher McVoy and Ryan Maier.
As the PBPost said in July 2013, "we really don’t like Tallahassee’s decree that such votes are no longer permitted. [that has not been proven in court] Stifling citizens’ voices on these issues leaves only the voice of elected officials susceptible to special interests. Kind of like state legislators."

We simply say that the vote is supreme and elected officials need to see the forest for the trees and respect and believe in the people, not the developer who has no interest in this city but the money he can make. We have seen this for decades by developers who have been allowed to have their way--the ruination of Old Florida and small town charm.

We are here because we love our small town and we want to keep it that way.


  1. anything that must be pushed as smart - isn't

  2. How are you qualified to say that the hotel will be a success with only four floors. What do you or your supporters know about the hotel business? To claim that allowing this property to go to six floors when it is surrounded by tall buildings will cause others to do the same is also without merit. This hotel is really needed by our city. Why is 20 feet of height such a big deal. I say let them build this hotel and lets get on with it.

  3. You are qualified at 11:32? Go move to North Korea where you don't have a vote. You would be well suited there.

  4. Anonymous @11:32--you sound like an arbitrary kind of fella.

    Their attorney said that most hotels need 120 rooms. With the addition that they build to 45 feet, they can come up with enough rooms to make the entire project successful.

    So, perhaps their legal counsel is unqualified? I don't give a damn what THEY WANT. It is what the people said that they wanted when they won the vote.

    It's not the 20 feet that is the BIG DEAL. It is THE VOTE. It is this majority commission dismissing the results. We don't want high rises more of them. Get it?

    As far as no merit with other property owners wanting the same thing, who is naive? Everyone knows that commercial zoning is more valuable than residential.

  5. I voted for the height amendment, but I'll say I don't really care about it with respect to the Gulfstream if it meant the Gulfstream would reopen, but the upzoing was a free give away. There is no requirement that HH ever reopen the Gulfstream or that they even start renovations by a date certain. We are the only dumb town in Palm Beach County that provides upzoning waivers without requiring an actual project plan with an expiration date. Why would we do that when no other town would? Because, I suspect, HH has no plans to renovate and simply will flip to another buyer who will then sit on the property (since the upzoning doesn't require any start date by anyone) until the Gulfstream is so in disrepair that the City will approve demo b/c its a safety hazard. I hope it doesn't come to that but I suspect it will.

  6. The question is why do they believe what HH has to say? Think about it.Has HH followed through anywhere? They bought the property to renovate it as it exists.Then they decided we want more.We want to develop this vacant land too but the zoning is not favorable.We also want to steal the beach to make our investment even more valuable for anyone who wants to buy it,,, PIGS.

  7. Above poster has a point, HH's record is pretty poor. They knocked down some historic structures in Delray, not sure what else they have accomplished.

  8. There's plenty of room at 45' for 120 rooms. The Hyatt in Delray is on a smaller parcel (.78 acres) and has 134 rooms, a pool, and integrated parking garage.
    The S. Lakeside Dr property that Hudson owns totals 1.2 acres. So if they can't get it done in 45', they best sell to someone who can, like Decker said. A real developer.
    That doesn't include the Gulfstream parcel to the east which is over one half acre.

  9. They will have 87 rooms in the main hotel and want the same in the new one. Too bad what they want. I can't believe that this commission is so stupid. Do you think any hanky panky is taking place?

  10. Why would anyone think any hanky-panky is taking place when anything they want this trio will do? Jump?-sure. Higher?-sure. Higher buildings?-sure. Invalidate a vote?-sure. Give us a piece of the beach-sure. But don't let the voters know-done, done, and done. And they expect us to vote them in again????

  11. Yes they do "expect the voters to vote them in again." They truly believe that NO ONE is watching. They believe that whatever they say or do, everyone believes. They can, with no shame mind you, call us LIARS right to our face at city hall meetings. The mayor allows the opposition to be jeered and heckled. They have tuned out the opposition with no problem. Won't answer a call...won't answer an e-mail. They wonder why I expose them. I have never seen worse bullies or "leaders" since I have been involved in LW politics for 11 years now or a more nasty or uninformed crowd that follows them. (That sentence should get someone's goat!!) :)
