Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Convicted Felon speaks before Lake Worth Commission on Homeless who he says aren't homeless

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Dylan Harrison
Marketeur extraordinaire

When a guy who has been convicted of manufacturing synthetic drugs in his warehouse, Kratom Labs, that were illegal and he was charged with  unlawful distribution of controlled substance analogues (synthetic cannabinoids) and was sentenced to prison for one year and a day...

we know that we are in big do do about our growing and uncontrollable homeless problem. Many of these people are drug addicts.

Actually, and for the most part, I agreed with Mr. Harrison and what he had to say. Where I did not agree was when he said that those homeless who hang out at the Cultural Plaza were not homeless. He went on to say, "If any anarchist or any psychos are ok with this, as he raised a plastic bag full of used drug needles...if any one of you nut jobs is ok with this...sociopaths...they don't really care about the park, they just want to get their guy in office."

Now really.  Why does he think there are candidates willing to run to stop this behavior in our city parks? It has not been caused by anarchists. This problem has tripled since this trio of incumbents  has been in office. He should have been directing his outrage to them.


  1. I heard that the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Dylan did not violate federal law. I also read that the 10th circuit ruled the same. How wild is it that he didn't violate any state or federal laws after all???!!!

  2. Lynn, I cannot believe you are trying to blame this problem on the incumbents - REALLY??? This is a local, state, and national problem as YOU well know. And, the ONLY commissioners that have come out publicly for months trying to address this issue ARE the incumbents. Nice try but I ask you What are you and your cronies doing about this issue? I can't wait to hear your answer.

  3. I don't think you can blame the homeless camp on any administration in particular, but this camp was not there last year and wasn't there the year before, etc. I've lived in this City for more than 15 years and I've supported folks on both "sides" of the political debate in this town and I've never, ever seen it as bad as it is right now. Whose fault is that, well there is probably fault enough for everyone but the current administration needs to take responsibility because it has happened on their watch.

  4. I actually somewhat agree, most of the folks in this group at the cultural plaza are not homeless in the traditional sense. Nonetheless that is no reason to let them to hang out there at all hours of the day and night, drinking, smoking, swearing, peeing, pooping and basically taking over the public space and hassling the rest of us. If these are his customers then invite them into your shop and serve them their kava and krantom and whatever else but keep them out of the public space, they are not following our laws, they are disruptive and gross.

  5. These people have been in for two terms already plus an additional 8 months or something like that. Don't you think it's way past time to get some results. You say they have come out publicly for months? Big whoopie since they've be in office for 56 months by the time the election comes around or something wild like that and our city is going down the crapper. The only thing they want to do is spend money on development or give developers the golden ring and tell the residents to F-off on democracy.

  6. Time for term limits

  7. Dylan and his people are sitting at the plaza with their vehicles running with the bright shining on the crack kids and rapists that hang out there in order to disperse them which is very effective we're finding out. What are any of you doing firsthand to combat this problem? My experiences you hide behind your computer screen and spout your opinions. You do not take any physical action.

  8. Time for some pressure washing the Cultural
    Plaza with high pressure hoses.

    Not by city employees, noooo...

    I say the citizens should strike back and take back the plaza... let's all join Dylan and hassle these scumbags. He's out there many nights flashing his high beams on them disrupting their sleep I would imagine...

    Too bad!!! Go get a job and be a contributing member of society you damn druggies.

  9. You must be smoking some funny stuff or drinking that kava. You expect a senior citizen to take some action against drug addicts, etc That's the PBSO's job.

  10. WHAT PBSO? They lied to the city to get our contract. I hope the first thing our new Mayor does is re negotiating the contract with PBSO. The savings could go towards real armed private security for the cultural plaza and Bryant Park. If that works out,they can be increased, PBSO can be decreased.

  11. The problem with the drug addicts at the Plaza really surfaced during thispast summer or in other words a few months ago, Lynn, which the current administration (well 3 of them) is addressing hence the ordinance changes brought forth and unanimously agreed upon last night.

  12. I agree whole heartedly about the syringes. I have found that, as well as used condoms, and last week a pink bra while walking my dog in the park along Lake Osborne Drive. Houston, we definitely have a problem... However: "..sociopaths...they don't really care about the park, they just want to get their guy in office."--what is this about? Voters are now "sociopaths"?? I don't follow. But I think no matter what side of homelessness you are on drugs and prostitution are a recipe for death,...and destruction of our town. You can try all the development you want--but if your streets are crime ridden and people do not feel safe--it just ain't gonna work.

  13. I heard Dylan is running for sheriff

  14. As far as your other comment, please read the policy.

  15. I don't think Dylan Harrison could be sheriff but I like that he is a man of action, shining a lot on these guys in the Plaza. I'm interested to hear more from him and maybe some others should join him in taking back our public places.

  16. Let the PBSO handle that. isn't that why we pay them bucko bucks?

  17. Lynn if you omit any more of my posts, I will file a lawsuit against you that will cost you $20k to defend. I hope you call my bluff.

  18. And don't you people get it? Running for sheriff is not to win. It's to get Bradshaw on a debate stage. Do something. Ever see Dylan walking down lake Ave with a garbage bag picking up garbage with his customers??? I see it regularly.

  19. Dylan is a strong looking guy. I would suppose picking up a little garbage, he can handle it. Oh, and what political Party would endorse you to be on any stage to speak about anything other than the Lake Worth present majority commission? Only in America and in Lake Worth.
    America's great, isn't it? And through hard work you are an owner of how many businesses in this city?

  20. Dylan, business owners, the moms squad, the city and others including PBSO are picking up the abandoned bags and trash left in pubic space from these wanderers.

    I say good for us all. I've had a growing concern that it would be ever so easy for bad guys to plant, God forbid, a bomb, in plain sight,

    It's too easy to come to the conclusion that those bags also contain contraband, and drugs, all rolled up in some dirty t-shirts.

    I don't care how many businesses anyone has, and I hope they are all successful. Because if they are successful, then they are paying taxes!!!

    I just wish more citizens would put their actual physical efforts into what spews from their mouth as complaints. Push, pull or get the hell out of the way.

    Wanna make a difference? Get your boots on the ground and take back your streets and your parks.

    Yes, Dylas is a bug strong guy, we need more fellas to step up and join the women folks like the moms squad with kids in tow, or like the struggling businesses trying to clean up and make the city better.

  21. Andy's friend wants to file a lawsuit on you? What a joke. A lawbreaker now wants to break the law and harass homeless people?
