Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bryant Park Neighborhood Association Discriminates

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I have always said that Neighborhood Associations are political.  The NAPC says differently with the belief that if they tell us that often enough, we will believe it. This LINK proves that they are political.

It is rather distasteful, to say the least, that right before an election that this NA has pulled the obvious. It should be evident to everyone in this city that power can be a dangerous thing and hearing both sides of a problem or giving possible solutions by all the commission, well forget about that. McVoy and Maier can attend but they cannot comment.

Members of the Bryant Park Board are:
Darrin Engel, President
Herman Robinson, Vice President
Karla Engel, Secretary
Charlotte Downing, Treasurer
John Szerdi, Director
June Evans, Director
Jay Nunzer, Director
Rebecca Glaser, Director
Mark Lurtz, Director

Please be advised that Mayor Triolo, Vice Mayor Maxwell, and Commissioner Amoroso will be attending the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association Meeting at the time and location below. Additionally, other City Commission members may be in attendance, but not participating in the discussion:
Bryant Park Neighborhood Association
Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Beach Club Restaurant
One 7th Avenue North
Lake Worth, FL
The meeting is open to the public.


  1. I'm not from the BPNA but there is a requirement in the Government in the Sunshine Law that if members of a commission are in attendance at a meeting, in order to speak to issues that may be discussed at a commission meeting, the meeting must be publicly noticed.

    It appears the NA is trying to abide by the Sunshine Law by posting this notice. God knows you'd pounce on them if they didn't comply.

    McVoy and Maier are not running for office. The other candidates are not officials and are not required to be listed. What is your problem?

  2. My problem? I don't HAVE a problem but this NA does.

  3. I think most of the NAs try to do good work for the neighborhoods, and I'm generally in support of my own (Parrot Cove), but of course like any other group they can become political based on who is involved and if leadership becomes too one sided. I think the solution to that problem is for more people to get involved and to speak up if you think the NA is too one sided.

    I actually like to attend my NA meetings to provide what can sometimes be the contrary position (even if it is not my position).

  4. These people have no shame. trying to influence their neighborhood in this way and not even inviting McVoy or Maier to the discussion? Fascists with a few of them appointed to city boards. They are too clever for words. Glad I don't live down there.

  5. I now believe that this is an unofficial NAPC strategy known by some and there will be NO debates this election cycle. Heaven forbid that they would want to expose any opponents to the democratic process. Time will tell if I am right. For Bryant Park to pull this trick--it takes a lot of chutzpah. The developer hold in this city is worse than I had thought and their money is far reaching. Just look what the incumbents have raised so far. The lies that are spreading and the character assassinations are revolting. The bully mentality has metastasized.

  6. I agree that some people who happen to be very involved in a very public way through their efforts at moving the city forward tend to gravitate to the boards of neighborhood associations and city volunteer boards. They feel their input is important and are also the same ones we see volunteering at all the city events. It is sometimes hard for them to curb their enthusiasm for the city and vocally support those they think are responsible for the forward movement of the city.

    On the other hand, those who tend to see themselves on the outside looking in, and take a more pessimistic view of the city are also the ones who do NOT volunteer for anything and say that they "help in other ways". Not so transparent are the ways they "help".

    Crusading for the homeless "right" to hang out in our parks and threatening the city with lawsuits is one way they "help".

  7. Just to clarify,this is going to be a candidate forum. Lynn,The legal notice from Pam Lopez is NOT the notice that is going to be sent out by Bryant Park to it's people announcing this candidates forum.The legal notice is required to abide by the Sunshine law because Commissioners will be speaking on issues in public together.Again ,ALL candidates will be invited to speak at this candidates forum.

  8. If this is a candidate forum, why have none of the opponents been noticed yet? The city should have mentioned that this is a debate. It didn't. Why not?

  9. I just went to the city's web site
    It says Candidate Forum. Some of the candidates don't know about it yet? I believe the wording of this announcement (and it is something new) was unclear. And so, I apologize to Bryant Park.
    But I still say it is all political.

  10. Anony at 10:05 no one is crusading for the homeless. What they are doing is recognizing that there is a problem in our city. Andy Amoroso said that they have rights. Go talk to him. Go condemn the churches if you want to get on someone's ass. And a lot of people do a lot of work in their neighborhoods. They just don't need to pat themselves on the back in a public way in order to get recognition or "feel goods."

  11. Ryan Hartman is crusading for the homeless. Yes Andy is right. They do have rights. That is why we can't kick them out of our public spaces for peeing in and soiling the bushes, using illegal drugs, harassing the tax paying public whose use of the park is now restricted because of these people.

    Churches do what churches do. Just wish they would lure them to John Prince Park instead of our little parks here. The people who are the constant volunteers you see at EVERY event NEVER pat themselves on the back. Most truly enjoy doing for their community. They don't look for recognition. Maybe it's just the joy of giving back. So, yes, it makes them "feel goods".

    You also get out there and volunteer for things you are passionate about: Keeping Lake Worth from becoming a concrete jungle, keeping developers from building, keeping projects like the Gulfstream from becoming successful, keeping neighborhood associations from posting the required notice so that you can later bash them for not doing so. Apologizing for your mis-speak but then condemning them again as "political" in the very next sentence.

    Every association is political. Not just neighborhood associations. That just allows for more public input and participation. But that kind of input doesn't play in your narrative. You don't want to have a discussion. You would like the process to play out where people can show up at someone's doorstep and tell "tall" tales with no rebuttal. At a forum, you can ask Andy if he voted for a convention center at the beach. You can ask Hartman if he supports a tent city for homeless in Bryant Park.

  12. Wait, this is a Candidates Forum...and the 3 incumbents have this on their schedules but the 4 challengers have not heard Word One about it yet?????? Messed up! They all should have been notified at the same time or at least on the same day!!! Our neighborhood associations used to be nice groups of neighbors. Now they're subsidiaries of Hudson Holdings!!!

  13. What are you talking about Lynn? Ryan Maier self proclaims often at commission meetings he is 'very' active in the homeless coalition of PB. I'd say he's crusading.

    It's not the chronic homeless, the same old faces that we've seen over the years that are the HUGE issue... It's the druggies and so called recovery addicts and worthless dregs that are obnoxious, crude, and self loathing of what normal society calls appropriate behavior and social integration. Send these dirt bags home to New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and all points north where they came from. We don't want them here.

  14. I am glad that there are so many wonderful people in this City that do volunteer of their time. I have volunteered over the years here and there, but since I work a more than full time professional job and I have a young child my ability to find time to volunteer is limited.

    However, my voice and those of us who are not as involved are just as important. In fact, in many instance I know that I pay more in taxes than many of these folks so the fact is I'm contributing quite a bit of money while they are contributing time, both are valuable and both have merit. My point being, just because people are not in the volunteer crew or don't show up for commission meetings doesn't mean they are less valuable in this community.

  15. People need to do things right, 11:49. When opposing candidates don't even know about a forum, then something obviously was done wrong. There should have been some coordination involved in this and the city on its notice never said it was a candidate debate. Are we all now supposed to be mind readers. And most of the NA's ARE all political.

  16. 12:19 you are flat wrong as usual. The homeless are being dumped in our town and Maier would like to work out solutions for this chronic problem. According to HUD's 2015 Worst Case Housing Needs Report, 97% of low income families and individuals spend more than 50% of their income on rent. The need for decent, safe, and affordable rental housing continues to outpace the ability of federal, state, and local governments to supply housing assistance. In this city, there are plenty of rentals but slumlords are asking way too much.

  17. If this is truly a candidate's forum then all candidates running should be invited, if Bryant Park hasn't done that then shame on them.

  18. My mom taught me, by example, that if you have to let everyone know about your good works, then you did it for your own ego and not to truly help others. So some of us don't run around bragging about it and posting saintly pictures of ourselves all over FB.
    Many of us on the "progressive" side have served on city boards over the years. The appalling dismissal of the entire P&Z that was weighted with progressives who did all the work re-writing the LDRs and comp plan taught us a lesson. Great idea! Get ready for a new P&Z and HRPB.

  19. Just to be clear....ALL candidates were asked and informed of the Bryant Park debate. Anything to the contrary is a "Mis-speak".

  20. Everyone of you who criticized the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association owe them an apology. You should check your facts before making accusations. They are trying to provide a much-needed forum for our citizens to come out and hear what our future leaders are going to do to make Lake Worth great.

  21. If they want accuracy, then they should notice residents, just not the city who issued an unclear statement never mentioning that it was a candidate forum.

    Carry on Bryant Park.
