Friday, January 1, 2016

Anti-Fracking Resolution on Agenda

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Resolution No. 02-2016 - support a statewide prohibition on fracking to explore and produce oil and natural gas in Florida

The Resolution supports a statewide prohibition against the use of hydraulic fracturing, acid fracturing, and similar high pressure well stimulation practices, commonly called fracking, to extract underground oil and natural gas resources. Commissioner Maier requested this item be placed on the agenda.

At least the city is telling us who put what on the agenda.  I believe that this should not be on the Consent Agenda and deserves discussion. Support of this Resolution says the entire City of Lake Worth agrees.  It does not.

Hydraulic fracturing is a technology used to enhance the flow of energy from a well and is a 70 year old technology. It is not a “drilling technique;” fracturing can begin only when the drilling is done and the rig and derrick are removed. Fracking is thus a well “completion” technique. Once fracking is complete, a well can produce hydrocarbons for years, even decades, says Energy Indepth Florida.

Historic Perspective of hydraulic fracturing. They say that the process has been used on over 1 million producing wells. As the technology continues to develop and improve, operators now fracture as many as 35,000 wells of all types (vertical and horizontal, oil and natural gas) each year.

This is a misunderstood technology that has become political.  Democrats hate it.  Republicans understand the value and necessity of it.


  1. Why is this damn thing on our already ridiculously crowded agenda? These Commission azz wipes can't even maintain our local streets,but they are ready to put in their grand opinions on a Federal issue???? Jesus, Josepha y Maria !

  2. As ridiculous as this agenda item is as it directly relates to the City Of Lake Worth… Fracking is an important issue in Florida in particular. Fracking sends highly pressurized water and toxic chemicals deep into wells to force more hydrocarbons out... But it also pollutes our water source - the deep well aquifers every municipality draws from for our drinking water.

    Imagine that the next time you are thirsty and put your straw in a quart of toxic sludge. Yum!

    Just say no to Fracking and off shore drilling in Florida!

    Hey, why doesn't Commussioner Maier offer up a real agenda item like banning off shore drilling while he's at it!

    Sorry, but it's obvious this Commissioner has no clue about the real issues currently facing the city, nor does he offer any solutions.

    So sad. :(

  3. Once again, you did not read or I guess understand this blog. I do not believe that items such as this should be on the Consent Agenda and I have said that there are other opinions on this topic. Did you view the video?

    As far as Maier not having a clue, you are wrong on that count as well.

  4. I've seen his video before... Have you heards of the exponential increase in earthquakes in areas where Fracking has been introduced? In places where earthquakes rarely occurred previously?
