Monday, December 21, 2015

Riviera Beach cop hassles Disabled Vet

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  1. C'mon. Can't you find anything more current? This was about two or three months ago.

  2. Ask that of Blackman when he brings up stuff from ten years ago. No complaints about that, right? Some just like to complain.

  3. We should not forget this.

  4. Blackman at least takes stories that are relevant to Lake Worth or things that happened here. I don't really care what some fat cop in RB does. Especially not yesterday's news.

  5. Blackman writes things from other cities as well. Take Fane Lozeman and his houseboat in Riviera Beach as an example. And guess what, there are some people who do care. I realize that your universe only circulates around your little world...broaden your horizons a little--you might have fun. These police abuse stories are happening all over and RB is only 15 minutes up the road from us.

  6. Police enforcement need to continue in RB, in WPB an yes, in LW. They need to more aggressive with law breakers and gang banger want to be's and their punk minions. Bust a few heads I say! Break s few knee caps... At least they can't run away when they steal that way!!!
