Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hudson Holdings is Baaaack

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  1. That sorry sob Serdi is still in the picture. No one wants this John. No ones wants to give away our casino and pool to a private developer on any kind of partnership. hogwash. Drop dead.

  2. Not surprised. These people need to be voted OUT OF OFFICE.

  3. Voted out just like Szerdi,,,I'm all for it.What corruption in this town.he's up on the 2nd floor sniffing all that money he will make. S.O.B. is a good description.This entire video was a lie.

  4. What a coincidence, the Mayor is in the PR and Advertising business, the letter is sent from HUDSON HOLDINGS on the 25th of September , Friday, knowing that the TV would have it the first part of the week and the story about the casino appears in Monday September 28th paper giving WRONG information such as this POOL was built in the 1920s with the purpose that it was too old and needs to be replaced, so the PALM BEACH POST WRITER WAS BEING USED by giving this wrong information to the public and Chanel 5
    being used to advertise for the benefit of the private developer and then to hold up dealings till after the election of the Mayor and 2 city commissioners. OUR PRESENT POOL WAS BUILT IN 1971 AND THE CITY SPENT AROUND A MILLION DOLLARS JUST A FEW YEARS AGO TO UPDATE IT AND NOW THE RECREATION DIRECTOR IS THE ONE GIVING OUT FALSE INFORMATION

  5. Well Mayor Pam Triolo just lied TO MY FACE after the city Commission tonight ! I have a witness . My friend and I caught Mayer Triolo after the meeting and asked her point blank:"Do you know anything about Hudson Holdings putting their hat back in the ring? They were on the news tonight saying they were. " The Mayer DENIED knowing ANYTHING ! She sated that "She had heard some rumors" but that was it ! Then we see on the news that Hudson Holdings sent her a letter about this on the 25th ! Pam Triolo is a liar, this is government out of the Sunshine, and if this is not enough to replace the Mayor ,Scot Maxwell and Andy Amoroso, I don't know what is !Katie Mcgiveron
    And who by the way allowed Hudson Holdings to go into our Casino Ballroom???????

  6. The city manager is putting out wrong information regarding our beach. The majority commission knows all about it. Time for them to go.

  7. Damn not only does ALL the employees dislike the CM now the public is jumping aboard.

  8. This is looking more and more like political theatre than government. How can the Mayor look me in the face tonight,& the lawyer, & everyone say they know nothing?? Really good actors and really corrupt politicians. All political theatre while dealing out of the sunshine. How can they know nothing about this, when the letter was sent to the Mayor, the news notified, and the news conference is held in the BALLROOM??? Do they have their own key? Like I told Scott, we need an exterminator up there. Just like cockroaches they keep resurfacing in the dark. We really have to get rid of the gang of 3 and the bowtie ASAP. Lets start working on their replacements now. It's like babysitting for a bunch of crooks with the keys to the cookie jar.

  9. Totally not surprised, when they said they were out I didn't believe that was the end. The continual smear campaign by the City against our Casino, beach, and pool is egregious. This is a total campaign to cast the pool as decrepit (when it was just redone) and the Casino as a failure so HH can be our savior.

    HH is doing the developer three card monty move, by pretending to care, now they are offering financing (which means debt) is not claim to save us when we don't need saving. What we need is to maintain control of our beach, casino, pool, and all other amenities (the golf course is certainly a target as well) it is our most valuable property, we need to keep it.

  10. They wont leave until the beach is theirs... Plain & Simple. The CORRUPT CM, Dept Heads & Commisioners will find a way. ALL the employees are with the public. We all want a clean slate for the better of our jobs and this City. Bring city pride back get rid of them all and watch a change begin.

  11. So what are your solutions? The casino build out was shoddy- you can see it in the foam shutters that are disintegrating, the garbage "stream" which runs down the hill toward the parking lot, the leaks, and the lack of use. Rather than pointing fingers, how about proposing a fix? I'm sick of hearing about what side is doing what and to whom. I want to hear solutions. I will be voting for whatever candidates can stick to solutions, versus just stating what the other guys did wrong. Everyone can criticize, but somebody needs to solve. Lake Worth will otherwise always be the city that "had potential". I, for one, am tired of living with potholes, no street lights, aging utilities, etc., and rather than fixing the day to day stuff that would improve all of our lives, we're focused on a pool that few use and the casino amenity. Sick stuff.

  12. The "shoddy" work at the casino building is being addressed. The city is suing the contractor.
    Fingers are pointed when the city allows downright LIES and works out of the sunshine as this video shows.
