Monday, August 3, 2015

Mess of the week - 535 Wright Drive

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This gets Mess of the Week two weeks in a row. This is how every front yard in Lake Worth should look, right? It belongs in the industrial park but they wouldn't allow it there.
And what in the hell is this? 
It says that it is a construction site and they will prosecute trespassers?
It is an Outdoor Standard Permit Posting Unit--
(Home Depot's description)
What are they constructing?
Do they have valuable equipment in that shed that they use on their jobs?

The vehicles on grass have been cited and a case has been entered. The permit box on the fence, yes, it is allowed, especially if the property owner has permit reviews. This makes the permit available to the inspector without the owner having to be home. Thank you.



  1. Can't believe that this was allowed in the neighborhood.

  2. I'd really love to see how this looks from the so called front lawn. I thought the best commission ever had rewritten the code so that we could enforce our code over stuff like this.

    Deplorable, I feel horrible for the neighbors how have to look at that eyesore, which a big fence and shed in the front yard, trucks parked on the grass (probably the city will just let them add more driveway space) and what is clearly a business being operated there.

  3. This IS the front lawn. Now the city is trying to con us into believing it is the side of the property--bullshit. What does a past commission have to do with it? All this stuff was passed by P&Z and Wes Blackman when he was on the P&Z and the Historic board. Doesn't he tell everyone he is the resident expert? There was a loophole? How come no one on these boards were made aware of it or studied these things when they came before them? Why only until now has Mr. Waters admitted that there is a problem.

  4. I have no idea what the particular issues with this property but again I say, if the permit was applied for improperly, it can and shouldbe revisited. Wes Blackman's board would have never seen this application IF it met the criteria by right. His board would have reviewed it had it needed a variance.

    I feel sure that if his board had reviewed this, it would never have been done. And I think you know that.

  5. Why? Because everyone at code, including William Waters are getting paid to keep their head up their asses. I hope they all get fired when we get a real Commission after the next election.

  6. Ahh to 12:58pm. So now the new statements is that the code department itself is receiving money secretly let this violation go un-noticed? What is wrong with you, honestly? Do some research before spouting ridiculous claims... Anyone who has ever had to get a permit in this town knows that it has to go to the city building and zoning department for approval and even if the permit is approved to carry out the work they have six months before they have to have a city inspection on it. Code has nothing to do with the process of permits and after the 6 months is up and if they haven't had a inspection by the building inspectors then code can go out and go after them for the fence. Ignorance is no excuse... Learn your facts and the processes before you go on a rant of accusations. I don't like that the fence is there either and it does look horrible but unfortunately there within their legal loophole boundary.

  7. Code has a open case on the property! 15-1258

  8. A construction site? Are they going to cement in the entire front lawn so they can park their trucks? How did this happen anyway?

  9. 3;31 Who said anything about William Waters and code receiving money under the table? That's the Hudson Holdings employee group of Scott maxwell, Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso.
    Pay attention ,3:31.I said that William Waters and the entire code dept have their head up their asses. Their main job seems to be to promote city engineered blight west of I-95. Look at this mess on right drive. Williams and the ass -heads helped the owner fuc$ the neighborhood with this mess.

  10. Don't they have to use the LEGAL address?

  11. I talked to Wm Waters last night and asked that very same question. Apparently you can use whatever address your little heart desires when it's on a corner lot no matter whether the deed has you on Wright Drive as well as PAPA having thre house on Wright freaking problem it seems. I said to him well, the 6th Ave side doesn't even have an entry way--no door even. no problem. They had been going round and round with this owner for months and finally rolled over...flaw in code that Waters is now addressing. In the meantime, some jerk comes in and ruins our street.
