Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ric Bradshaw could be singing Election Night Blues

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Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and the agency’s top brass will testify under oath in the federal civil rights lawsuit brought by the family of unarmed civilian Seth Adams, who died in 2012 in a hail of bullets fired by one of Bradshaw’s sergeants!  How come this killing didn't go viral? 

This could be a killer for top dog, Ric Bradshaw, if the trial starts before the election.  Click here...


  1. Jose at gossipextra is hot on PBSO ass with Bradshaw's corruption, money grabbing, bad crime stats, daily police issues, etc. Bradshaw's so busy being corrupt at the top, probably doesn't even know what kind of sh*t happens day-to-day on the street --esp in LW, a very small part of Bradshaw's kingdom. People in LW take the hit every day--as we continue to pay a huge budget for PBSO, with no recognizable positive results.

    by the way, Jose is so good at digging into their dirt, that PBSO refuses to return gossipextra calls. Truth hurts. And political spin costs millions.

    Anyone in LW interested should check Jose's daily column online --I know you do Lynn, but there are so many other LW stories for you to cover every day.

  2. I would never vote for Bradshaw again, he is horrible, the crime in this city and county is horrible. We deserve better and he would not get my vote anyway. WE need ad change of guard at the helm of the PBSO. WE ALL deserve better here.

  3. galpal or boypal

  4. Its atrocious, that a cop can kill an unarmed person on their own property who tells the cop to stop trespassing. Then Bradshaw, a few hours later before any investigation says the shooting of this unarmed property owner by a trespassing cop on private property was justified. Give me a break!

    Then you add in Bradshaw's bullying to get more and more money, his budget is more than half a billion, up 60% in just a few years. We can't afford him.

  5. Jose is doing a good job with his gossipextra. There's another site that's is just nuking Bradshaw and his inner circle with amazing inside facts and information. Ric Bradshaw's secretary Annette Marvin gets nearly $200,000 in taxpayer dollars and he lets her run her drug rehab business while she's on the taxpayer's dime - that's outrageous man! They even have her annual salary and how she started at like $35k and now makes more than even the governor of Florida. GEEEEZ! You read that and a lot more at - they've got videos there about all the people Ric Bradshaw's bad boys have shot and killed also.
