Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lake Worth Tribune Editorial 4-24-15

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  1. Doesn't Katie live in District one?? Maybe she should run.

  2. 2:54, Oh please no!

  3. Maxwell can be loud and overbearing, but look at what he has to deal with. He has Dr. Dirt and Ryan on the dais and you and your snotty crew in the audience.

  4. LOL @5:10--having a bad day? Was the sun too hot for you? Go take a cool shower.

  5. Maxwell is so frustrated he is having more beers than ususal these days. I see him downing them like it might be his last. MB is gonna have a big tab!

  6. Maxwell is a disgrace. he does not believe that he should be representing the people of Lake Worth. He believes that we elected him so his wants are whats important. Katie Mcgiveron

  7. Come to a meeting. You'll be shocked by the behavior of the Mayor and Scott Maxwell. They are both abusive BULLY'S and we the people deserve better than these jerks.Maxwell and Triolo should be arrested for abuse of their own citizens.

  8. my god. it's scary that you all don't even consider, that you're part of the reason why it comes to this.

  9. What's scary, anonymous at 8:13, is that you believe that.

  10. Despite the fact that our city is quite divisive on the beach issue, our elected officials should speak to our city residents with respect. Similarly, our city residents should speak to our elected officials with respect.

    It goes both ways, however, those that sit on the dias should be held to a higher standard. How can Maxwell, who hasn't listened to the ITN tapes, complain about what is being reported from those tapes.

    I'm really disappointed is his behavior these days. I take personal offense at his statement calling me a racist since I voted against the bond.
