Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jeb Bush might run for President

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Jeb Bush Steals a March on the Other 2016 GOP Hopefuls
By Jeff Henderson

By announcing he was "actively exploring" running for president, Jeb Bush stole a march on other Republicans looking at 2016. There will be two Republican primaries in 2016. One will feature the darlings of the Republican establishment like Bush, Mitt Romney and Chris Christie. The other will be a showdown to see who leads conservatives. If the establishment is divided with too many candidates, a strong conservative can win the nomination. 

It is apparent that the Republican Party is divided.  We need a strong conservative to lead our nation.  Jeb Bush is liberal on Education and Illegal Immigration. The Republican Party has moved to the right since George W. Bush as the result of Obama and his socialist policies and unsustainable debt.


  1. I am a 56 year old registered conservative Republican. Screw Jeb Bush. I don't want Democrat lite. I bent over when McCain got the nomination. I bent over when Romney got the nomination.I ain't bending over no more ! I'll just stay home next election.When the country slides even further into the crapper after 2016 I want to be able to blame a Democrat that calls themselves a Democrat. Not a Democrat calling themselves a Republican. Like Jeb Bush.

  2. 100% agree. I don't think he'll get the nomination. At least I hope he doesn't. If he does, I totally give up.

  3. Let's elect Columba Bush as First Lady... that would be awesome, a naturalized US citizen since 1988.

  4. There will never be a conservative president in the U.S. once light is shined on their idiotic ideas they fold up like last week's news paper. They can't even get their party's nomination over Romney and Mcain.
