Monday, November 3, 2014

Charlie Crist - For Sale

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  1. Rick Scott is the real crook.
    His company committed the largest Medicare fraud in our country's history and received the largest fine ever recorded.
    As you know he took the fifth to avoid prosecution and then spent $ 80 million of the illegal profits to get himself installed as governor of the state called a "sunny place for shady people".

  2. It is all your heavy-handed left-wing dirty political machine that has run dishonest ads against Governor Scott regarding water pollution, big sugar and “pleading the fifth” accusations. you guys can’t win on your ideas from the flip-flopper, so you tell lies. Dems are about the worst for twisting truths.
    Scott’s former healthcare company eventually paid a $1.7 billion fine to the federal government. The Scott deposition was for an unrelated civil contract dispute, and he was never deposed by federal investigators in the criminal case against Columbia/HCA.
