Wednesday, November 26, 2014

American Oil will set us free

We have seen the price of gasoline going down at our local gas stations. It got me curious about our own situation in the world and how it all might be if we were energy independent. Years ago I traveled across Oklahoma and it was amazing with all the oil rigs. I had never seen anything like it having never been in that area of our country. Right now, Oklahoma is on track to surpass California and Alaska to become the nation’s third-largest oil producer. The government doesn't talk about energy independence but it will get concerned about global warming, fracking, the Keystone Pipeline ruining our environment with groups filing lawsuits to hold it up. It's all about politics.

As of today, we could tell Saudi Arabia to take its oil and its radical Wasabi religion and shove it! For a spell, we might need some other imports — but not for long. That is because for the first time since the Nixon administration we are no longer dependent upon foreign oil. New recovery technologies such as horizontal drilling, 3-D mapping and fracking have made the United States once again the world’s oil kingpins. If we can break the grip of the Greens and explore Alaska’s rich petroleum reservoirs, the United States has the opportunity to become a major oil exporter.

Read John Myers' article at Personal Liberty

There has been a resurgence in oil and gas production. The sector has become more efficient. The IEA reported that North America would become a net exporter of oil around 2030 and take over Saudi Arabia by 2020 as the number one oil producer. Now that we have a Republican controlled Congress and Senate, we might be on our way to wealth and prosperity and energy independence plus creating thousands of jobs that Obama is always talking about. We will be able to replace our crumbling infrastructure and bridges with new found wealth.

Read about Alaska... and its oil wealth.

1 comment:

  1. So would industrial hemp for fuel as Ford intended!
