Thursday, October 2, 2014

Shut Up First Amendment -- Quasi Facism is taking over

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Does anyone remember the controversial CRA meeting back in September 2008 when a member of the CRA was highly ticked off about Bill Coakley and his video-taping of the meeting. That was before the days of taping meetings by the City.  That member tried to restrict media coverage and whined about it.  It's ok to have cameras in the commission meeting room but "squelching" media coverage is still something this commission wants to do if you don't play in their sand box.

View this video and see how another city "shut up" the citizens. This is becoming more and more frequent by elected officials--ignoring the Constitution, not playing by the rules or implementing their own when it's convenient. Weakening the free exchange of ideas is becoming a norm and acceptable to many politicians today.


  1. Thanks Lynn, so true, this guy is great, we need more like him in Lake Worth. You know our CM is a lot like the one in the video, dissing citizens, not responding, answering, phones and emails. Our city elected should not allow any public servant to treat citizens like this, they are working for us! We pay their salaries. CM Bornstein forgets this I think. We need to hold all city officials accountable and to listen to the public. Thanks for sharing this, sad how things are today.

  2. Wasn't that Piggy Fishbottom calling in the police? That must have been Mayor Pim Tralala ,our very own Mayor.

  3. This mayor encouraged rule breaking when she allowed a public assassination of this blogger. She was all for law-breaking when she ignored her own Rules of Decorum at a public meeting and backed her bully friends. That's what it was--bullying, pure and simple. I don't like bullies. If she thinks that she will suppress my freedom of speech, she is sadly mistaken.

  4. How is Lake Worth going to fix it's roads? It was such an emergency that Pam Triolo stole 50,000 of her tax payers money in order to put out incomplete and misleading campaign material to push the 20/20 money grab .What now,Pam? Honestly , we would be better off with Pim Tralala!
