Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Public/Private venture at our beach complex?

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Originally there were three of our commissioners who wanted to be appointed to a new committee regarding our casino and pool:  Scott Maxwell, Christopher McVoy and Andy Amoroso. The least desirable of the three for this appointment is Scott Maxwell as he has always taken a negative view of the entire complex in every way imaginable.  He has been great at "I told you so" comments as it has taken longer than anticipated to have it pay its way. He loves to remind the body that he was against it from inception and has even said that he never goes to our beach.

I don't know who dreamed up this scheme because it no longer tells you that in the back-up but obviously it is the city manager. The city will have an Evaluation Committee that will include one commissioner and one member of our Finance Advisory board. The city is looking for public/private ventures (in other words we own the property but someone else makes the money) at our Beach Complex and Casino to manage, maintain, operate, redesign, etc. and/or implement creative ventures. In other words, we can't manage or operate it ourselves and now we want to turn over our beach complex to someone who can. Pathetic. Perhaps they can get Greater Bay to bid.

Last night Commissioner Amoroso nominated himself.  There was no second.
Next Commissioner McVoy nominated himself.  There was no second.  Actually McVoy would have been the perfect choice as he has always been upbeat and positive about our beach redevelopment and casino. When you believe in something, it helps in your success.
Next, Vice Mayor Maxwell (he was chairing the meeting as Triolo was absent) nominated Amoroso. It was another bizarre motion as he had every opportunity to second it when Amoroso nominated himself. It is also obvious that he treats McVoy with little respect.

What the City wants to do:

Available option #1: Restaurant/lounge/bar and/or other commercial-type ventures to be located within approximately 5,000 sq. ft. of available, vacant commercial space (at the Casino Building on the northern end of the second floor);

Available option #2: Special events/meetings/conference room(s) and/or other commercial-type ventures to be located within approximately 3,500 sq. ft. operational, commercial space with a 450 sq. ft. fully furnished catering kitchen (at the Casino Building on the southern end of the second floor); and/or,

Available option #3: Modernization of the municipal pool operation that would attract adult-aged visitors during the afternoon and evening hours (e.g., restaurant, tiki bar, cabana rentals, beverage service and/or other commercial type ventures). With this option, the City prefers to maintain public pool access in the morning hours; however, creative alternatives will be considered. The municipal pool and supporting facilities cover approximately 34,000 sq. ft.


  1. McVoy upbeat and positive he did not want the building, and wanted to instal windmills. He complains about Climate Change, yet the Casino was built without Pilings. Yes Lynn he is the BEST choice.

  2. Well, he did want the building--just not Greater Bay. The commission reverted to the expertise of our builder who is an expert on building coastal properties. He did mention about one windmill for educational purposes.
    He IS a good choice.

  3. Keep telling yourself that he is the best. McVoy still says the bulding was renovated, not rebuilt. He told a resident that if there had been a new building he would have recommended putting it somewhere else on the property.

  4. What would Maxwell have done?

  5. Boy oh boy gone are the days when the battle cry was no Ruths Chris or Fridays. God forbid we should get a rent paying chain. No McVoy would not have been a good choice. He would just muddy up the waters with all his green initiatives instead of concerning himself with the real green. Paying it off. Lynn, your mistake is if it did not come from the bce it is no good. One thing Iwould say is what does Amoroso bring to the table?

  6. Amoroso is pro active. He makes the effort and initiative to help the town. He's constantly cleaning up the town and the beach. The end of August beach clean up by Amoroso was a great success. McVoy doesn't DO anything. He has NEVER volunteered to do anything. Idk what your seeing Lynn, but obviously not reality on this topic. Obviously.

  7. Maxwell could not make the second for Amoroso as he was the chair of the meeting! Why do you think he 'passed the gavel"? Your hatred of this man cuts like a knife.

  8. "cleaning up the town and the beach" does not qualify you to be a decision maker on a project of this size. Too bad Lynns disdain for this commission so clouds her judgement.

  9. Yeah, cute, anonymous at 10:33. Who did he pass the gavel to? Name that person for the record. I can just imagine how the minutes will reflect that action. I noticed where he said he was going to go ahead and pass the gavel without saying to whom he passed it to. It was BS from the dais as usual.
    I don't hate Scott or anyone else. I just don't like people trying to make light of protocol or trying to make azzes of the public.

  10. 10:59--yeah right, me and 50% of the city are getting it.

  11. No disrespect to McVoy. He probably is very bright phd and all. He has no common sense nor problem solving skills for a financially challenged city. This is not to say the other comms. are much better.

  12. Mcvoy is a commissioner in the minority. He has nothing to do with the fact that they hired this city manager who is making the decisions for this city. He is not there to problem solve finances but to vote on policy and make sure that we get the best CM who will hire the best finance director around to make the best financial decisions for our city.
    McVoy is looking after the interests of the residents in spite of being treated with disdain by the majority dais. I would also guess that he is not kept informed as much as he should be.

  13. If we can't manage anything, why don't we hire people who can? Is that so damn hard?

  14. Evidently It is hard because the people hiring them are incompetent

  15. Juan Ruiz OBVIOUSLY isn't handling/managing the complex properly. So what's with his massive raise this year??

  16. How much was his "massive" raise this year?

  17. @10:32...wanted to answer you. I believe that Andy Amoroso will be a good rep on this committee, but I would never expect anyone on this dais, most of all Maxwell, to appoint McVoy to anything substantial. Politics.

  18. I do not get to city hall often, but it seems when I do get to a meeting McVoy has no clue as to what is going on. I realize he has a day job, but does he ever read the back- up? Case in point maxing out the tax limit to pay for the streets. Does he not realize that one mile of Good Road would cost about one million dollars, and Lake Worth has very few if any good roads.

  19. Perhaps you should attend more often, anonymous. I go to every meeting and I can say that your assessment is "far out."

    Peter Timm probably reads the back-up more often that this entire dais and understands it.
