Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lake Worth Still Feeling the Sting

Someone commented on the Peter Timm blog that running a commission meeting is not easy. Well, perhaps, perhaps not.

Running a meeting shouldn't be that difficult.  There is an order for everything. You follow Robert's Rules; you follow an agenda. You take blue cards from those who want to speak. The clerk has a timer.

On September 5, 2014, when the city was gathering testimony from folks who experienced difficulty in voting on August 26th, they had solicited the help of those who might have had a problem in voting, real or other wise. Some of them were not directly involved but spoke about it anyway with hearsay or other "horror" stories. On top of that, the City allowed them to rant on and 2 minutes for any of them, as they were trying to make a case because they had just lost a major election after pouring tons of money into it and were feeling the sting.

Now the city just won't give up.  They are going to pursue a meeting with the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board (the Supervisor of Elections and two Judges) on LW taxpayer's dime for the sole purpose of telling them how the city "thinks" that the process for future elections should be improved. They want to "clean up" the process...for the entire State of Florida and Palm Beach County.

As I have previously stated, even if all 14 provisional ballots had been counted in Lake Worth that were attributed to some sort of clerical error, the city STILL WOULD HAVE LOST. Out of 3,115 votes, only 14 were rejected because of error. This is less than a one-half of one percent error margin, a significant phenomenon in itself, and  Lake Worth had the highest voter turnout in the County.

Commissioner McVoy analyzed it correctly on Tuesday night when he said that there is a "State law that governs this and it's not our purview to do is unlikely that it will ever be a 100% process."  Why is this Lake Worth's responsibility?  Why should we be paying billable hours to two attorneys to do this when the election involved 38 municipalities?  Is it because all of a sudden we want to be ethical and transparent?

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