Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lake Worth Keeps beating that dead horse

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Bad enough to be trampled by a horse; worse to be trampled by elected officials running ramshod over the people they serve.

The scheme to build a national baseball field for the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals continues. The County wants West Palm Beach to donate the land off of 45th Street and the City of West Palm Beach wants the county to do a land swap.  They are at an impasse.

The only people beating any dead horse in Lake Worth are officials (elected and otherwise) behind the scenes still touting John Prince Park--the very same people who have not even bothered to talk to one person in the neighborhood that would be affected. County Commissioner Vana has not returned e-mails and our city commissioner still "carries his baseball bat everywhere he goes."

Read about it... and be sure to check out the last sentence where it indicates that Lake Worth is still beating that dead horse regarding John Prince Park. The teams have said JPP is too small.  Who knows--maybe Vana and Maxwell will come up with another scheme to fill in part of Lake Osborne.


  1. At least it's not the NFL, we don't need anymore wife beaters in the City.

  2. The empire at every level is bankrupt, we must not keep giving these big corps. more welfare subsidies at tax payers expence , let these team spend their own money to play ball. Just look at what is happenning with the next olympic (2022) , only 2 country's in the world are bidding for it because everybody knows what a finacial disaster it all is .

    Just think of the added cost just for public safty ( that we already can not afford) for this new stadium and remember that in 10 yrs they will leave for another new stadium else where and we will get suck with total cost at tax payer expence.

  3. Shelly Vana is the poster girl for term limits. Thank God they are in place so that we can get rid of her. Scott Maxwell is the poster boy for why Lake Worth needs district by district voting. Maxwell is not representing the people of his district. Not only is he not representing them, he is ACTIVELY working to harm them. I wish that you would allow details of what happened at Maxwell's last "job" to be printed ,Lynn, but you are not Wes Blackman. In this case, too bad.
