Only a fool would have voted for that 20/20 bond. The city of Lake Worth has a lot of money "sitting around". More importantly ,it has a lot of money that just disappears.All you ever hear from city officials is "We're broke". And yet, when staff or the Commission has a need-the money appears ! MAGIC ! For example,the Commissioner's travel budget is more than 10,000 dollars over their limit-but no problem. Just approve them MORE money.The citizens get no reports on these trips either before or after the fact. Lake Worth also has a very bad habit of disrespecting their citizens wants and needs when they don't fall in line with City Hall's wants and needs.If Lake Worth were a toilet, it would definitely be time to call Roto Rooter..
Only a fool would have voted for that 20/20 bond. The city of Lake Worth has a lot of money "sitting around". More importantly ,it has a lot of money that just disappears.All you ever hear from city officials is "We're broke". And yet, when staff or the Commission has a need-the money appears ! MAGIC ! For example,the Commissioner's travel budget is more than 10,000 dollars over their limit-but no problem. Just approve them MORE money.The citizens get no reports on these trips either before or after the fact. Lake Worth also has a very bad habit of disrespecting their citizens wants and needs when they don't fall in line with City Hall's wants and needs.If Lake Worth were a toilet, it would definitely be time to call Roto Rooter..