Friday, October 3, 2014

Boynton Beach has new Ordinance

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If Boynton can do it, we should too. Read about it...

Let's clean up ALL of the blight, not just some of it.


  1. It was a nice car--it ended up blowing up on I-95.

  2. It bacame blight then on I-95. Not because the owner drove it to our downtown to eat at one of our restaurants. Don't we have any more serious problems than to try to tow someones legally parked vehicle because it has a for sale sign in the window?

    As far as I know, we can't even get non-operational/ wrecked/ abandoned vehicles towed off our streets. Why don't we start there?

  3. Why not both? Why should some bozo use our city main street as a used for sale car parking lot. Why should he be able to sell his cars without a business license on our city streets?

  4. i would love to buy that car! can you zoom the picture in so i can read the phone number? you are doing gods work Lynn!

  5. Blight? Do you really think this city and light leaders will do anything about all the blight we have here? Give me a break, God they even put slum property owners on city boards or make them chairs, and they are the ones bligting our wonderful city. Blight, will it ever be addressed here?
