Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Bullies and the Budget

Comment Up
The Exalted One

All is fair in love and war it has been said.  Ever since the AGAINST voters won on August 26th, there has been a war of sorts.  Actually it started before the election when some people on social media commented incessantly promoting the city's side of the argument and why we should vote in a humongous debt.  You had to wonder if they had a day job. They often times resorted to personal insults, something they do quite well. The mayor was offended about a graphic I did with her picture burning, an idiom illustrating the crash and burn of the Lake Worth 2020 initiative. After all, she is the policy leader in Lake Worth who was pushing for the bond.  She was offended as she often is at any thing she believes to be critical of her or her regime. She rallied her political troops to insult me in every way imaginable and she condoned it again last night during public commentary. It made her feel good.

As a tidbit, Mayor Triolo did mention the memorial service for John Tsakon and it being that night at E. Earl Smith Memory Gardens leaving off the first part of the name, DORSEY.

We are all public figures and have the right of free expression. However, twisting the intent just to denigrate is a form of bullying.  This dais consists of a few bullies.  As a blogger on the other side of this issue and many others, I put myself out there with my beliefs and therefore I am subject to the insults from those on the other side of politics where I am insulted every day especially where another blogger relishes in the personal attack.  It is all a form of insecurity and bullying. Even Commissioner Szerdi had to weigh in on what's "good taste and what's not."  Good is when you agree with them. We all need to have bigger shoulders and stop crying in our beer. You lost.

Last night's meeting was interesting in the fact that the commission passed a budget sprinkled with Lake Worth 2020, 4 to 1 with Amoroso dissenting.  He did not give a reason from the dais but I asked him why.  He said it was certain policies that bothered him--we were getting a new Human Resource manager in a few weeks and he wanted to confer with him/her and also the fact that the 2020 bond program was mentioned in the budget.

As an example and similar to the Water System where an additional $6,151,000 transfer from reserves is planned for the LW 2020 project in FY 2015 and where rates will be going up at 5%, the Local Sewer System is faced with the challenges of funding a larger CIP resulting from the Lake Worth 2020 program. As such, the FY 2015 RSA identifies an annual rate increase of 8.00% per year through FY 2019 in order to fund the capital needs of the system without the issuance of additional debt. Last night they passed the 5% and the 8% respectively.

Also, Design and construction of water distribution and sewer collection improvements are included in the Park of Commerce, Lake Worth 2020 and 2” steel water line capital projects.  As Steve Carr told us, the budget did not include any Lake Worth 2020 projects in the Capital Improvement Plan, but nevertheless, water and sewer rates are going up.

The millage remains the same as last year.  The city chose not to roll it back.  They do need all the money they can get but still voted to reduce our electric rate another 4.25% which is basically all politics--they reduced the electric but went up on the water and sewer.

The City Attorney is still compiling his case against the Supervisor of Elections and the "disenfranchisement" of voters.  He mentioned a violation of Sunshine Law again.  I just wonder what the Canvassing Board thinks of that charge when it consisted of two court judges.

Dorsey-E. Earl Smith Memory Gardens Funeral Home


  1. Lynn, I was there last night, and your name was never mentioned from the Diaz, or during public comment.

  2. I found it interesting that Bob Lepa, the same guy that attacked anyone who was against the bond on social media, had the balls to say that you were wrong. Lepa was relentless in his personal attacks on John Rinaldi and others and now he thinks that your conduct is a problem. No one has to read your blog. Lepa used a community Facebook page to sell the bond and made sure that anyone against the bond would be attacked or shut down as soon as they disagreed with him. What a hypocrite.

  3. Yeah, you would have to be living in a vacuum to not know who these bullies were talking about. Thanks for your astute doesn't get you off any hook with me. :)

  4. Peggy Fisher referred to Lynn as an immature adult. What happened later in the parking lot on Fri nite when she banged her fist against my car? Talk about immature. In fact, that was an assault against private property and I was not even involved in her argument. Next time there will be a police report filed.

  5. I am sorry you had to listen to the cry babies at last nights meeting. Especially since they are continually using social mefia themselves to spread hateful comments, threats and lies. I suppose social media didnt work they now have to waste everyones time ata cit comm meeting. Childish and again showing their frustration how successful your Blog is. Keeep up your hard work and know you are admired for your journlism.

  6. Two judges? OMG! Lake Worth, give it up.

  7. She left off the name Dorsey? Convenient slight. Maybe she couldn't remember the name?????? haha

  8. Peggy Fisher is a loud mouth shouting at public meetings. I have witnessed her condescending remarks made and wish she would stop this disruptive behaviour. It is much like several of those that she befriends.

  9. You're the problem Pam. You need to raise the bar. As pathetic as these personal attacks may be, they still go a long way to explaining why our politics today is polarized and dysfunctional. In fact, no civilization can thrive without civil discourse that recognizes the legitimacy of our diverse points of view.

    There is no place for venomous, ridiculous, personal attacks. Spirited debate is essential to a healthy democracy, but as Gerald Ford said, "We can disagree without being disagreeable."

    Think about it, Mayor Pam and stop hiding behind your bully friends.

  10. Lynn,
    What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do something strange in the eyes of others. But DO NOT be daunted. Do whatever it is because you known within it is right for you. "Eileen Caddy"

  11. The Mayor should say something like, I'm dissapointed I thought this was a good plan, but the voters have spoken and I look forward to working with everyone to address these issues in a different format.

    These cry baby tactics do nothing to help the City move forward the bond was defeated, come up with a new plan and move on.

    And I agree, why would we vote on a budget that is now outdated since the bond didn't pass.

  12. Is that your mo, delete truthful comments I will stand by my statement. The parking lot account was fabricated.

  13. Lies are NOT allowed here and that is why your first comment was deleted. I was a witness as well as a few other people. Baker Act? Yeah, think about it. The only people committing libel are---well everyone knows who they are. THE LOSERS.

  14. Everyone knows that the mayor is a good cook, but a good mayor? Good people don't lie.

  15. To the out of this world person who just said I posted to myself because how was anyone to know that I deleted a previous comment? I sent that first comment to someone who WAS there. Thanks for being so on top of it all, anonymous at in the right but always WRONG.

  16. i jsut heard that Peggy didn't want her picture taken.,,,who would want to take her pic?Was anyone taking her pic other than the bully?

  17. Has anyone ever thought since Bob Lepa was so adamant about this bond and advocated for it so hard to the point of being really obsessed even attacking Rinaldi over and over again that maybe he was going to make some money off the financing?Is it possible?Were special interests behind all this money?

  18. I guess the old saying is true, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

  19. People new to politics are always offended when they find they are in a fight where their feelings might get hurt. We are all grown ups and each of us has to deal with it, privately one hopes. The mayor's defenders seemed pathetic to me, and I wondered as I watched if any of them know the name Dustin Zacks.
    Sam Goodstein

  20. I have always thought there was a lot more to Dustin Zacks being in that race than we all knew.

  21. Pam Triolo. what a disappointing loser you have become. You could have brought people together like the above poster suggested,But NO, you are too petty. Too thin skinned. Why not admit that there must be a better way to finance the repair of our streets? You are not only supposed to represent the people, you are supposed to listen to the people, also. Lake Worth deserves better than you, Pam triolo. Go cook some Ziti, but please, leave the leadership to someone who is actually up to the task.

  22. Good point about Lepa or whatever his name is. I suspect there are alot of disappointed people since the 2014/2015 Budget was ONLY planned with the 2020 Bond issue going thru. That is absolutely crazy but they did think it was going to pass and now they don't gave a Plan B for the 2020 Bond,AND they don't even have a Plan B for the Budget. Ridiculous they passed it. At least Andy had some common sense not to vote for it. Why didn't anyone bring this up?????? Git R Done!!!!!!

  23. For the Mayor and Bob Lepa who thought he was going to oversee the writing of the $63.5 million bond for a 1% fee:
    Get over it.


  24. Just another one ,in the succession of Lake Worth's incompetent,BROKEN self promoting Mayoral seat occupants.
    This one thought Lake Worth Citizens idiots, and intended to give each of her broken Commission members $800,000,-CASH
    of our tax money ,to spend at their direction,
    with their Neighborhood Assoc.President,
    Most favored one,broken, Dixie Highway Mary.The unholy broken quartet, excluding McVoy, cooked up the 35% property tax increase with a $63,500,000,
    34 year Bond,cost at maturity after 30 years, $131,000,000,.-

    The broken brazen baggage underestimated the right,thinking, highest tax paying Lake Worth Citizenry,
    and using our $70,000,- tax money,
    thought to be able to force their extortionate plan on Lake Worth taxpayers.
    Their criminal plan was defeated with A $6,000,- Citizens Campaign.
    Their plan now irreparably BROKEN!

  25. 9:21 aka Dee, please do us all a favor and bring your home into the 21st century. Remove the window air conditioning units, replace the windows and roof shingles. Thank you most elegant one.

  26. This is exactly what I mean about BULLIES. Coming from a member of the HRPB is shameful. Personal attacks--I would hate to see them come before your board or anyone else for that matter.
