Thursday, September 11, 2014

Saving Baseball - A Heavy Price

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We can't even afford PBSO but the County is looking for a way to afford a national league baseball stadium that is coming in at twice the cost of the convention center.  West Palm Beach Commissioner Sylvia Moffett, also a TDC member said, “We need to think about the future and how this funding is maybe gonna bankrupt the TDC. That’s a real concern.”

Well, everyone just might as well bite that bullet. The County Tourist Development Council just ok'd $90 million in bed tax for the baseball stadium for the Astros and Nationals. Read about it...


  1. At least this bullet has no names on it. YET!!!!!

  2. yes, it might very well be a heavy price but it's better than maxwell wanting it at JPP.

  3. You'll have to wait a little for future names.

  4. "Collaboration is vital to sustain what we call profound or really deep change, because without it, organizations are just overwhelmed by the forces of the status quo. " Peter Senge
    Our government doesn't listen to the majority of the people, just a few, the rich, then they wonder why they don't get elected. They need to care, they need to listen, and they need to heed the advice of citizens as a whole. Too much mediocrity today in government and politics.

  5. Our government and system is broken. a good example. I went to pay my car reg. at the office on Military here in LW on Aug. 26, they said you have to come back after Sept. 1 to get the new lower price, went back on Sept. 2 when they opened, a police did not let anyone in, said system was down, decided to mail it, never received it, went back again yesterday to get it in person, Anne Gannon and our government offices are broken, complete ineffectiveness and dysfunctional. The system, our government, is broken.

  6. Actually Lynn I am surprised that you have not posted a bullet with Mr. Lepas name on it, or him tied to a post being horse-whipped. Or is that also in the works?

  7. 3:48...Mr. L certainly would deserve his own special recognition with his name on it as he's never been known for civility.

  8. Does it really make sense to hand out tax money to billionaire baseball teams, do the localities that do so ever see a profit on those funds. Look at Miami Marlins for the latest stick it to the tax-payer baseball debacle.

  9. It makes NO sense to me, 5:26! Gross.

  10. Easton of the Herald keeps on bringing up John Prince Park. Is everyone just plain nuts? This is a stupid waste of tax money. Just say NO.

  11. Unfair taxation in PBC. Better call Katie, Dennis and the rest of the CAUT crew.

  12. Well, we STOPPED baseball at John Prince Park. We all are interested in our neighborhood first, then the town, then the county, then the state and then the nation. BUT, we care about it all, anonymous. Just give us $50,000 and we might REALLY get things done. Spending these millions on wealthy corporations on a bond that will last for 30 years would be ridiculous, IMO. In 30 years, then they would threaten to move out unless we spent another $100 million on renovations or a new stadium. It is one, big, stupid scam on the taxpayers and the cities don't win overall.
