Friday, September 5, 2014

Mayor says streets won't get fixed by "Broken People"

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Mayor Pam Triolo's Facebook page on what she believes is truth

The mayor is entitled to her opinion even if it is totally off-base, insincere and flat wrong. Instead of bringing people together, she is dividing this community even more through her false accusations and this politically charged video.

We just rejected your solution, mayor.  Come up with Plan B that you never gave to us.  You say we should come together to find solutions but you NEVER gave us that option.  You refused to listen. You lost this one because you did not get our trust--because you would not allow that to happen.

"The lesson to learn by recent events...we need to create plans together," says the mayor.  Why did that not ever happen?  The really offensive statement is the charge that this is all about game playing, winning at any cost.  Do you really believe that we want to work this hard in 100^ weather to knock on doors just to "win a damn game?"

This is not a game.  Taking $63.5 million for 34 years of taxes is serious business. We need leaders to LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE, you know, the ones they are elected to represent instead of constantly scolding us, silencing us and humiliating us at every turn and opportunity. This city is not all about you. If anything is "broken" it is the mindset at City Hall:  "We know better than the people we serve."

The best thing that you could do for the city right now is accept the results of this election and move on.


  1. wow, if anything is broken here it is the mayor and the rest of them with all their arrogance.They lost the election but the residents in this city are losing having them on the dais.

  2. Broken? I'm a professional. I rejected their plan as it was ill-advised and dishonest. I'm at the point now that I am unsure if I would approve of any plan they might come up with.

  3. @8;22, ill-advised in part ok, but dishonest. Your comments as usual are not based in any fact. Nothing will make you want to contribute to the rebirth of this city. In time cooler heads will prevail and you will be left with your angry minority. Professional, in Gods name what?

  4. Huge long term tax liability was rejected because of the patent dishonesty in presentations, $800,000. "slush fund" for each Commissioner, failure to be forthcoming re the number of years of huge debt (pretending that liability would end in 2020) and general distrust of this broken and arrogant Commission.

  5. The presentations were dishonest as evidenced by the fact that the presentation provided by the City at the first meeting was vastly different than the last meeting. Presentation and information sent out by the City in education mailers, omitted any information regarding how GO bond would be paid for. City repeatedly told voters that the bond would cost a cup of coffee, but later admitted that they had no idea how much it would cost since their presentation was all based on estimates.

    Yes, dishonest and misleading and probably illegal since it is clear that the City was advocating and continues to do so, something they are not permitted to do.

    The Mayor and the rest of the Commission should stop wasting time and money and move on. Stop blaming the no vote and attacking us as negative or playing some game. Come up with a new plan or focus on bringing more properties onto the tax roll so the City can increase its coffers to pay for repairs.

  6. My god guys, this commission came up with the best plan they could in order to fix the city. That would be in effect decades after their terms are over.
    Did anyone else come up with an alternate plan?
    Besides, a few years ago, one Commissioner wanting to turn POC into a chicken farm, and/or an RO water treatment w/out any plan to replace the ancient pipes that corrode the RO water.
    Who was on watch that time?
    Nobody's perfect, but to berate this Commission continually actually kind of proves Pam's video statement to LW -
    Let's work TOGETHER...
    The other way is getting us nowhere.

  7. A Plan b is not the job of the citizens of Lake Worth. We pay executives to sit around and come up with plans. They make the big bucks. This time they wanted to grab the cash. Perhaps now the CM can figure it all out and the commission can just calm down about losing.

  8. Plan B must be financed by incoming revenue.
    Any Bond plan that makes indentured servants out of us citizens is unacceptable.
    Mayor's "work together" means swallowing the deceitful $10 million plus park of commerce nightmare and the $800,000 slush fund for each Commissioner.
    Did you hear us Mayor. Working together means something other than following the lead of you and your inept broken Commission that want us to pay dearly for your incompetence and dishonesty.

  9. The most dishonest primitive element in Lake Worth accuses others of lying,not very original,
    as they have never known the truth,proof of their base origins.
    Those inferior creatures smear their betters,one sees in primitive society,
    To those the message is:

    You lost, Good Bye!
