Thursday, September 4, 2014

Looks like the Gulfstream Hotel will get "deals"

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"The Gulfstream hotel is within the city’s Community Redevelopment Area and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The renovation plans would need to go through the city’s review process to allow the owners to claim a 20 percent rebate on the value of approved renovations for federal income tax purposes, or have the taxable value frozen for 10 years for city and county property taxes (remember when The Lucerne got such a deal?), said William Waters, community sustainability director for Lake Worth.

No plans were submitted as of late August, Waters said. The hotel also has an adjacent vacant 1-acre parcel that developer Steven Michael said they would use to create an additional 125-150 rooms. The overall plan would be submitted soon, he said."

If this lot is developed over 45 feet, it is just another example of this commission running ramrod over the vote of the people.

Correction:  John Szerdi is Worrell’s architect and a Lake Worth city commissioner. He confirmed that Worrell spent considerable sums to renovate the houses in Delray  but “could not get the rents to offset the renovation costs.” Worrell sold property to Hudson Holdings.  Read more...


  1. Szerdi will have to recuse himself when Hudson comes before the commission to get waivers approved. Or did the commission abrogate that as well?

  2. Wrong again Lynn, I just spoke to Mr. Szerdi, and the Architect Firm that was hired for the Gulfstream is Bellison-Gomez out of Miami.
    It would be nice if you would get your facts straight, before you start spreading Rumors.

  3. I try my best, anonymous. the correction has been made however there is a connection with Szerdi and Hudson.

  4. I read that article and it is very confusing with all the players here and there. This firm is buying up everything. What happens when the economy busts again? Another Schlesinger? OMG. Michael has hired Szerdi to be the project manager of one of two hotels, “residential inn” units, retail space, a 175-car garage and a park.

  5. We've done it before. The city is desperate for business and the opening of the Gulfstream is important. Happy to learn that John is the one who mentioned the hotel to Michael of Hudson.

  6. Lynn @6:31. SO.??????????

  7. Not meant as a fight
    Lynn, just tired of ALL
    The innuendos, and half
    truths, and when caught,
    Tou assume a quick correction
    makes everything better, but in truth
    you have Slanddered over half the community.

    Or better yet your line
    It was meant as a Parady
    Oh Please.........

  8. It's "parody," but actually it was an idiom. We all can make mistakes. Mine are few as I do research everything. When pointed out, I do make the correction.

    Half the voting community could see the truth, anonymous. Go back to your drawing board.

  9. The Gulfstream is an important asset to the City and it would make sense that tax credits be given. However, we are desperate to increase our tax base, so tax credits to big dogs should be carefully and prudently analyzed, vetted and brought to the public.

  10. Thanks, 6:49, I agree wholeheartedly.

  11. can we pleas get the CRA the fuc$ out of our downtown ???!!!
