Alumni Foundation Bar-B-Que Dinner
September 28, 2014 Sunday
Time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Place: Lake Worth High
School Cafeteria
Price: $15.00
$10 for Raffle Prizes and 50/50 Drawing
Send money for tickets to the following address:
Caryl Sheppard Anderson
5729 Dewberry Way
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Make check payable to: LWHS Alumni Foundation
Any questions call: Karen Manner Mostler, 746-7568 or
Caryl Sheppard Anderson, 249-7324
Price: $15.00
$10 for Raffle Prizes and 50/50 Drawing
Send money for tickets to the following address:
Caryl Sheppard Anderson
5729 Dewberry Way
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Make check payable to: LWHS Alumni Foundation
Any questions call: Karen Manner Mostler, 746-7568 or
Caryl Sheppard Anderson, 249-7324
Thanks for posting this , Lynn. This is how the scholarships are funded for the Lake Worth High kids.