Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Democrats' hypocrisy?

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The Democrats are charging that Rick Scott took campaign contributions from big Utility and they have organized a demonstration against him today in Palm Beach County--I would be rather certain that NetExtra energy Sources has given to many politicians and this site proves it. In fact, it gave big money to many Florida Democrats.

Top Recipients from FPL group

Includes contributions from the organization’s employees, their family members, and its political action committee.

$50,000$37,212$35,000$35,000$33,605$28,500$27,200$26,000$25,000$23,250Pete Wilson (R-CA)John McCain (R-AZ)Jerry Brown (D-CA)Rick Perry (R-TX)Bob Graham (D-FL)Troy Fraser (R-TX)Bill Nelson (D-FL)Gray Davis (D-CA)Chet Culver (D-IA)Norm Coleman (R-MN)  Republicans vs. Democrats in dollars. "Other" includes 3rd parties and organizations without official party affiliation.



  1. There is hypocrisy by both parties, a lot of it, you cannot trust one nor put neither on a pedestal, they are both hypocrites and thieves, so greedy and corrupt, so self serving. Politicians and big business are the worst.

  2. There are a lot of rich and republicans right here in this city that love to use the governments and peoples money to pay for their unkempt run down deplorable properties instead of paying for things themselves. Rich people for the most part love to enslave the common man and abuse their power.
