Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bradshaw won't Budge on his Budget

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The biggest part of our problem aside from retirement benefits is the cost of public safety.

Without changes in the sheriff's spending, county officials say they eventually will have to either raise taxes or cut more money from road fixes, parks and other community needs.

Read about Ric Bradshaw... and his increasing budget involving 4,000 personnel and his refusal to budge on his budget demands. "I want what I want and there's not much you can do about it" as crime rises.


  1. Then we have one of his deputies giving $150 to the YES pac as the sheriff takes 60% of what's left over of our operating budget. Deputies need to stay out of local politics. This one doesn't even live in Lake Worth.

  2. Anon @ 10:20 am - deputies and other public servants who work in our city have every right to support one side or the other with their personal $. If people who don't live in the city should stay out of local politics, then Dennis Dorsey should take all his $ and stay in Atlantis. Dorsey actively fought against the bond and gave the No PAC more than 10 times the deputy's donation.

  3. Mike Mahoney is a public servant who is supposed to represent all of the people. Not sure about PBSO's policy on this.

  4. So is McVoy but he clearly took a side

  5. So you think Mr. Mahoney constitutional right to free speech should be censured because he is a public servant? Doesn't the Governor campaign for candidates who he supports? Does the President do the same thing? Didn't Golden and Mulvehill support McVoy's campaign?

  6. Lynn can you please post a graph (or link)of the city budget for all to see?(maybe keep in sidebar)? Is it true that 60% of operating budget goes to Sheriff?

  7. It's too big to post on sidebar but I will post on main side.

  8. As said, not sure about PBSO's policy on this anonymous at 12:40. It is a little unusual to see. We see their union giving money all of the time but I have never seen an individual doing it. Thanks for the question. We were talking about PBSO.

  9. How come nobody is saying anything about the several thousans dollar donations made to the YES PAC? Many of their donations came from out of town also. You should post these donations as you can see their self interest to pad their pockets. At least Dorsey has nothing to gain monetarily

  10. remember mr bradshaw handed over to the feds a case involving west palm police selling steroids and pills with their weapons out of two busineses wellness center of lake worth and wellington-some arrested and many more to come -and some others with busineses in downtown lakeworth are involved
