Sunday, July 6, 2014

Why the "over-kill?" It's a Disconnect

Lake Worth says:
Lake Worth 2020 Plan Goes to Voters
After nearly two years of meticulous planning, broad community input and extensive City Commission discussion, the Lake Worth 2020 Plan is squarely in the hands of voters.

Then the question must be, why does the City feel it necessary to spend $50,000 of taxpayer money that would come from the water, sewage and waste-water departments. There has been no campaign in modern history in Lake Worth (other than Rodney Romano) that raised and/or spent that much money to ensure a victory.

Sharon Parsons gave the 2014 Annual Citizen Survey results and said that there was a "disconnect" in this city between city hall and the residents. The City needed to increase its transparency.

If they have had two years of "broad community input," then why spend $50,000 dollars? They don't want to answer that question. If you ask, they will tell you that most of the people don't know a thing about it and they want to "educate."  So which is it?  Have they really done extensive outreach and have had "broad community input"  or is it simply a disconnect with the 15,293 registered voters. It seems to be the latter.


  1. And Rodney Romano's $50 thousand plus campaign lost to Marc Drautz'
    $5 thousand campaign.

    Pray that history will repeat itself and the Lake Worth taxpayers will be saved from this outrageous, $63 million robbery the Commission is trying to extort for their Park of Commerce pipe dream and repair of only 30% of the roads.
    With interest we would be on the hook for $131 million.

    Vote AGAINST August 26th.

  2. Were open community meetings held?
