Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Where's My Free Stuff attitude

I really have a big problem with the Democrat's message on just about everything.  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Harry Reid lie as soon as their little tootsies hit the floor in the morning. Their lives are one big deceptive cartoon. They twist the facts and now they have even turned against the liberal Obama (their master) Supreme Court on its latest decision on Hobby Lobby.

This is an excerpt of the dishonest message I just received this morning from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

"Five Supreme Court Justices -- all of them men -- decided that a corporation’s beliefs can override a woman’s access to contraceptive coverage. You would think we were in the 1950s. A woman’s boss should not be in control of her health care decisions. No one's boss should."

I say, they are lucky to be given healthcare by their employer. If something is not covered, go out and buy it. Stop expecting free stuff. It's this attitude that is bringing America down and why every illegal alien south of the border wants to come here.

The National Review OnLine says:
Imagine a woman starts work at Hobby Lobby--It includes access,to the following categories of FDA-approved birth-control:
  1. Male condoms
  2. Female condoms
  3. Diaphragms with spermicide
  4. Sponges with spermicide
  5. Cervical caps with spermicide
  6. Spermicide alone
  7. Birth-control pills with estrogen and progestin (“Combined Pill)
  8. Birth-control pills with progestin alone (“The Mini Pill)
  9. Birth control pills (extended/continuous use)
  10. Contraceptive patches
  11. Contraceptive rings
  12. Progestin injections
  13. Implantable rods
  14. Vasectomies
  15. Female sterilization surgeries
  16. Female sterilization implants

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