Monday, July 14, 2014

Taking care of our magnificent Lake Worth beach

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Luckily, we don't have a lack of sand problem at the Lake Worth beach due to erosion as some muncipalities have. But on many occasions or on holidays in particular,  we do have a lack of garbage containers.  For the most part, people do the right thing other than throwing cigarette butts on the sand or the occasional baby diaper left on one of our benches for someone else to dispose.  But then, I'm not the cleaning crew that is out there early every morning cleaning up all the trash left by disrespectful beach-goers through laziness or lack of containers--it could be both. But many times, the containers are simply full or not in near proximity or in a  beach-goer's sight.

In today's Letter to the Editor by Lake Worthian Benedict Ives, he says:

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
July 14, 2014

Beach needs more than just new sand
Regarding the $2.1 million allocated from the new bed tax for “beach nourishment” (“TDC backs bed tax increase,” June 13) one wonders whether any of that money could be used to provide new, modern and highly visible trash receptacles on the beach (Lake Worth) for all to notice and use; clear and large signage (not a hand scrawled note from a lifeguard) advising beachgoers to use said receptacles; signage specifically addressing the littering cigarette smokers and the butts they so casually stub out in the sand; incentives for lifeguards to enforce littering rules and protect this aspect of marine ecology.
These are proactive actions and rudimentary considerations that should be at the forefront of protecting our most precious asset for both today and tomorrow.

Yesterday I walked across the street to eat some ice-cream.  When finished, I looked for a container as it was not readily in sight. Where there are benches, we should have more trash containers. Some people are just too lazy or uncaring to find that receptacle and would just as soon put that cup down on the ground.


  1. Something this simple (Waste cans) alludes the powers that be to supply what we NEED and not just what we think we can GET (Grant, Grant, Grant). Why would anyone think there will be any difference w/LW 2020 implementation and distribution of taxpayer funds?

  2. LW Citizen Survey showed slum & blight where citizens concerns.
    Extra garbage cans or MORE pick up is a quick step in the right direction.

    If they have to be told we need more garbage's tell me again why we could trust the same bunch to do the roads right?
