Thursday, July 10, 2014

Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation

With a standing room only crowd with members of middle class working families and retirees, young and not so young,  this past Tuesday night ROLO had its bi-monthly meeting. Debbie Thatcher with Palm Beach County Parks and Recreations was the guest speaker! "WHO KNEW there was that much to do right here in our own county," said Robert Waples, President of ROLO. Check it out or you're surely missing out! Their Facebook page is LIKE that page and keep up as to what is going on! John Prince Park in our back yard is

Robert further stated, "The presentation was more than we even expected and even running long on time everyone was glued to what was going on in our Park System. Best of all it was great to know that we are getting a Dog Park right in our "own backyard" in John Prince Park!

Remember if you want to know more about our Counties Parks and Recreation from hiking to nature from Equestrian World Class Competitions to Water Skiing Championships to Water Parks and Pools, our county has it all...even moonlight bike rides in the park, Shakespeare by the Sea and how did we even miss the Zach Brown Band? All FREE events!

We understand that the PBC Parks and Recreation will be getting a web face lift soon and we look forward to that. So lets all "hook up" with the social media that is Palm Beach County's Parks and Recreation and a HUGE thank you to Debbie Thatcher - Manager, Public Information Services. What a fantastic presentation!"

We all clapped when Ms. Thatcher said the baseball field was completely OFF the table.  John Prince Park would stay a park. We are lucky to have this wonderful 726 acre park, which includes 338 lake acres, directly across from where we live.

Photo by Robert Waples

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