Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lake Worth Trolley might return

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Read the Palm Beach Post and Lake Worth bringing back the trolley.

The commission voted to submit the funding proposal to the Metropolitan Planning Organization requesting up to $1,650,000 in the 2014 Application Cycle of the Categorical Funding Program for funding that will become available during Fiscal Years 2016 - 2020 for implementation of a new trolley service over a three-year period in an area bounded by the Lake Worth Beach to the east, 10th Avenue North to the north, Palm Beach State College to the west and 6th Avenue South to the south. This proposed project is eligible under the “Transit Improvements” category.


  1. What does it mean when Mike Bornstein says lake Worth has gotten better at getting along with other cities in the county? anyone have any idea what he's talking about? What does this have to do with grant money? I didn't know that we didn't get along with other cities. Is he referring to the screw job that those cities did to us with the sewer non-pays?

  2. Great quote, Lynn. I think it's the sentiment of thousands in our little city.

  3. I like the idea of a trolley, the one in WPB is great and I think one in our city would be well used. But, how in the world can we afford this, does the grant cover all costs?

  4. What do you think Bornstein meant? The previous city manager was so intolerable no local cities wanted to deal with her or work with her. The "best commission ever" was looked at county wide as a bunch of rank amateurs, which they were. New faces new results. Deal with it.

  5. "new faces, new results."
    WHAT ARE THEY??????????????????????
    NAME ONE RESULT other than they wanting this city to become the highest taxed city in PB County.

  6. Gee you don't like this commisison, lynn/ can't imagine why. They tried to ruin an entire neighborhood and a gorgeous park by insisting on a baseball stadium at john Prince park. they did not honor an election on heights. They have spit in the eye of every resi9dent in this city. they don't clean up the mess and now want to create more of it by getting everyone in a 30 year debt for roads that won't even last 10 to 15 years. I just can't imagine why you don't like them.

  7. I wouldn't go around the block with you, Wes. Basically, I am against grants but they are there. If we don't apply, some other city will.

    Get over your personal remarks. Your parents didn't teach you manners. Were you bullied as a little kid?

  8. Blackman must have had a hard life. It's tough being a young happy boy when other kids are picking on you. It rubs off on you later in your life. Blackman needs to hold on to his noodle. It's the only thing keeping him from sinking.

  9. No, this commission keeps him afloat. He's their hack piece. Enough of him, ok?

  10. He gets some sick pleasure being a bully. Don't get it. He must think he's wonderfully handsome and has no flaws. Give that boy a new mirror. Lynn you look better than he does. You stay in shape and you're 20 years older. He is just being an abusive jealous nitwit.

  11. I am not posting anything else about WB.

  12. Good for you, Lynn. Don't feed the troll(s).

    And keep up the good work.
