Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Florida - The Illegal Alien

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One of the main reasons that I am ticked off at Rick Scott--Click here...

Marco Rubio might be "curtains;" I have always liked him too. Jeb Bush is very possibly "curtains" with all that love stuff.  These guys shouldn't even think about running for president of the United States unless they come up with a different message that someone might believe regarding illegal immigration. And Rick Scott should have read what the conservative majority thinks about illegal immigration.

In 2008, Florida's illegal immigrant population of an estimated 950,000 persons costs state taxpayers more than $3.8 billion per year. The $3.8 billion annual price tag covers only the costs of K-12 education, medical care and incarceration of illegal aliens who have committed other crimes in Florida. According to the latest analysis by FAIR, the costs to Floridians more than doubled between 2005 and 2008. The data in this study clearly establish that the fiscal burden on Floridians like the size of the illegal alien population has been rising rapidly. The outlay of $3.8 billion annually translates into a fiscal burden of about $678 for each Florida household headed by a native-born resident.

But then we get into college state tuition for "Dreamers." According to, the cost to the U.S. taxpayer to subsidize the tuition of the approximately 1.23 million illegal aliens who would benefit from the DREAM Act over the first two years of its enactment, would be $19,207,500,000.

Although Obama says he deports around 400,000 illegals every year, the facts state that of the 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, fewer than 70,000 who have led generally peaceful lives here were deported last year."  For those doing the math, that works out to about .00583 percent says Numbers USA. 

There has to be consequences for illegal acts and where it's felt is in the wallet. That wallet should be theirs, not ours.


  1. The conservative majority of the Republican Party is less than 25% of the voting public.

    Scott, Bush, and Rubio understand that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not agree with the dim view of the extreme right wing.

  2. According to a new Gallup poll, 23 percent of Americans stated that they would identify themselves as liberals, a higher percentage than any time since Gallup began measuring the ideological split in 1992. At the same time, 38 percent of Americans identified themselves as conservatives, and 34 percent as moderates.

  3. @3:06--Are you saying that you DO agree with criminals coming across our borders and the billions that it costs the citizens of this country? Really? Or are you just busting chops once again for the Socialists?

  4. Illegal IS Illegal!
    If I get in trouble in my own country for DISOBEYING my elected reps LAWS so should the Illegal who is NOT LEGAL or a CITIZEN and has DISOBEYED the Law of the Land!

  5. Weetha got it right. A country cannot/will not survive if some of the people are forced to follow the law and some are allowed to spit in the face of the law.

  6. "And Rick Scott should have read what the conservative majority thinks about illegal immigration". Rick Scott already knows that racists like limbaugh, hannity, beck and levin told their lemmings what to think about immigration. The conservative majority couldn't even defeat a black president with a bad economy. So that proves that nobody gives a shit not even rick scott what your little conservative majority thinks or wants. Kind I=of like you in Lake Worth. Nobody cares what you think or say. Feels good right?

  7. The Palm Beach Post cares. :)
    How come you're so angry?
    No one voted for Obama because he is half white other than you liberals, that is. You guys are the only ones who throw the race card around and voted FOR him because of the color of his skin. Ridiculous reason to vote for anyone especially a friend of Bill Ayers.

    And don't be using foul language, ok? We are grown-ups here.
