Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Where's the Internal Auditor?

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Tonight's city commission agenda is SHORT.  It seems to get shorter every meeting.  That is the plan. Keep the public barefooted and enfeebled when it comes to any sort of meaningful information. This commission complained that this position was not funded by the former city manager and they hired Kenneth Oakes through much fanfare. They have kept him barefoot but certainly not pregnant.

On May 6, Kenneth Oakes, our Internal Auditor who has been here for one year now, was to report on all that he has been doing. Not to be. It was decided by someone that the agenda was extensive and commissioners did not want a very long meeting. Therefore, they wanted Mr. Oakes to have adequate time for his presentation. In an attempt to avoid what happened at his last presentation before the Commission on August 6, 2013 when he stepped to the podium after 11:00 pm, it was decided to reschedule tentatively for June 3.

Mr. Oakes is still not on the agenda.


  1. I'm very curious on what the Leisure Services Dept. has been up to. The beach is being neglected, new, un-needed positions were made.. and un-answered questions are swept under the rug when salaries are doubled 10 fold (for no reason).

  2. @12:31, "salaries are doubled 10 fold" what in the world do you mean? As usual no proof for anything you say.

  3. Wee-Hoo ! Gotta get to Dave's !!!!

  4. 2:23? Do you have proof that what anonymous said is NOT true? Just a point by someone even if the salary thing was somewhat exaggerated. It does not negate the fact that the beach IS being neglected and trees and shrubs are dying. Let's try to focus on the point.

  5. all you people who bitched about Stanton nothaving an IA. Now you have one and you have no idea what he's doing. typical of hyou sheep.

  6. that's a good one.
    2:23pm says you have no proof for anything you say.
    3:53pm replies you have no proof its not true.

  7. 4:29--Do you even know what you're talking about? Didn't think so. Your pint is???????????????????????

  8. I really have no idea what anyone is talking about here. The blog is factual.
