Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vacation rentals

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What's going on regarding vacation rentals? All has been quiet around Lake Worth where we have a big concern. It seems that if the city didn't have a law in effect before June 1, 2011, you're screwed.  Reminds me of the heights amendment?

CS/HB 307: Regulation of Public Lodging Establishments & Public Food Service Establishments

GENERAL BILL by Local and Federal Affairs Committee ; Hutson ; Campbell ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Cummings ; Edwards ; Hood ; Hooper ; Kerner ; Mayfield ; Moraitis ; Peters ; Raschein

Regulation of Public Lodging Establishments & Public Food Service Establishments; Revises permitted scope of local laws, ordinances, & regulations regarding vacation rentals.
Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 4/29/2014 House - Laid on Table, refer to SB 356 -HJ 841
Location: Laid on Table

SB 356: Regulation of Public Lodging Establishments and Public Food Service Establishments

GENERAL BILL by Thrasher ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Altman ; Ring ; Sobel ; Sachs

Regulation of Public Lodging Establishments and Public Food Service Establishments; Revising the permitted scope of local laws, ordinances, and regulations regarding vacation rentals, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 6/5/2014 - Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
Location: Presented to Governor

(b) A local law, ordinance, or regulation may not restrict the use of vacation rentals, prohibit vacation rentals, or  regulate the duration or frequency of rental of vacation rentals  based solely on their classification, use, or occupancy. This paragraph
 does not apply to any local law, ordinance, or 30 regulation adopted on or before June 1, 2011.
(c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to any local law, 32 ordinance, or regulation exclusively relating to property  valuation as a criterion for vacation rental if the local law,  ordinance, or regulation is required to be approved by the state  land planning agency pursuant to an area of critical state 36 concern designation. Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2014.


  1. Now if you could find similar language supporting your assertion about the heights amendment, you wouldn't have to drop the case.

  2. Please explain what in heck you're talking about. Thanks much.

  3. The heights amendment is in effect until a court of law says the election was null and void due to some post-facto law. That has not yet happened.
