Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Islamic Awakening

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Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took to the stage last week to proclaim the U.S. has “given up” on using military force to stop its ambitions and to boast that a worldwide “Islamic Awakening” cannot be stopped.



  1. Let me suggest, ma'am, that when you start quoting and using the words of our enemies in order to criticize Americans and your country, you have officially placed politics ahead of America.

    I hope you are proud.

  2. Let me suggest that you speak to your Congressman when someone like an Islamic cleric terrorist speaks out against America. It is Obama who is bringing down this country in the eyes of Iran and other Islamic countries. It is his policies and lack of leadership across the board that have been detrimental to Americans and our military and have put them/us in harm's way.
    What are you proud about?

  3. I'm proud the U.S. is not running around dropping bombs on people out of fear and a lack of knowledge about a different culture. Do you know how many innocent people the U.S. government has killed in the last 11 years? Apparently those are the kind of things you are proud about.

  4. I suppose YOU are proud of the 3,000 who were killed at the World Trade Towers. It must be tough to be in your shoes.

  5. Let me get this straight: you're going to join hands with an Islamic cleric to criticize an American President? And you don't see anything wrong with that?

    Again, when you start agreeing with the enemy and celebrating and memorializing their words, you have become them, if only for the moment.

    If 9/11 had occurred on a Democrat's watch, Americans like yourself, ma'am, would be rubbing their hands with glee because they would have yet another opportunity to criticize liberals.

    You have placed politics before your country. It's sad. And a bit disconcerting.

    Ask yourself: What are you capable of in the name of politics?

  6. Ok, whatever you say, sir. You have jumped to all sorts of wrong conclusions. That's what's really sad. What I think has NOTHING to do with politics. We just have the wrong guy in the Whitehouse.

  7. Hey Jon-Jon, were you even in the country during 911? It wasn't a Dem vs. Repub thing- It was an American thing, you bloody dim-wit !
    And Jon-Jon, please go over to the Middle East and plant some Date Palms. Shower your message of love and tolerance on all of the innocents there.Before you start protesting Ms. Anderson's supposed lack of knowledge about a culture, you need to address your own lack of knowledge about the American culture.3,000 innocents were slaughtered in the attack on the World Trade center and you reply with crap about political parties?How do you feel about Obama's drones? Probably very happy because Obama thinks it's A-OK to assassinate American citizens and their children without the benefit of a trial in a court of law. Please do us all a favor ,Jon-Jon and go to the middle east so that the wonderful ,peaceful Muslims can cut your head off live on video to promote the wonderful religion that hates America. Just like you, Jon-Jon.
