Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Teacher Justin Katz running for Palm Beach County School Board

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Justin Katz is a teacher at Park Vista Community High school of regular, honors and advanced placement students, teaching U.S. Government and Microeconomics which focuses on patterns of supply and demand and the determination of price and output in individual markets. Whew! I don't remember anything that exciting being taught when I was in school. Mr. Katz is running for the School Board, District 4, and what better qualifications for the School board than being a teacher.

His platform:
  • Raising student achievement and expectations through a renewed commitment to best practices and proven education techniques.
  • Safety concerns of the students and faculty in our schools is paramount. Increasing awareness of bullying incidents and potential safety issues before they become tragic events is the next step our district must take in protecting our schools.  I am an advocate of creating more staff positions in our schools, whose sole purpose is to address students with reoccurring disciplinary and academic issues.   
  • Modernizing teacher training and professional development to truly provide for the needs of our teachers.
  • Offering more career academy choices in high-demand professions.
  • Improving fiscal responsibility in the district with independent efficiency and performance audits to redirect wasteful spending to our students and the classroom.
  • Improving the relationship between the district administration and district employees.
  • Fostering more involvement in our schools for parents, businesses, community organizations and other stakeholders.
  • Keeping our district salaries competitive with neighboring school districts to attract the best quality teachers for our students.


  1. I know nothing about this guy, but he seems like he would like to increase the bureaucracy in the school system.How does he stand on Common Core ? On having police on campus? What exactly is his definition of "bullying" ? Sounds too much like a Union guy for me. I could be totally wrong, but some red flags got raised for me. Thanks for letting us know about a candidate.

  2. Erica Whitfield is the better choice. What leadership experience does this guy even have?

  3. Independent audits to root out inefficient use of taxpayer dollars.

    Improve the quality of the teachers through better training.

    PREVENT violent acts and disciplinary issues with increased monitoring of students at-risk.

    Sounds good to me!

  4. Erica Whitfield, a lovely lady--I previously featured her.

  5. is this Dustin's brother? Dustin and justin?

  6. Oh Boy. A teacher running for school board...who can vote on salaries and oversight of teachers. NOT GOOD.

    We need regular citizens running and serving on the school board, NOT school employees who have vested interests in more pay, bigger pensions and less accountability for themselves and their friends.

    Our schools need a better curriculum, smarter teachers, higher standards of learning and more accountability to the communities they serve. I don't see any evidence that they would get this from either Justin Zachs or Erica Whitfield.

    Who else is running?

  7. I do not believe that anyone chooses this profession to be self-serving. 1:48--it's past your bedtime as you are showing even more cynicism than I have. :)

    People want to be teachers so that they can affect the future of some young person. It definitely is NOT the salary.
