Saturday, June 7, 2014

Marijuana legalization and Dylan Harrison, Lake Worth's Entrepreneur

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“Today’s marijuana is not the marijuana of the ‘60s, ‘70s or ‘80s. It’s five to 15 times stronger,” Kevin Sabet said in an exclusive interview with The Foundry. “I think a lot of Baby Boomers’ experience with pot—a couple of times in the dorm room—they don’t correspond to what kids are experiencing today.”

"Mr. Nice Guy," Dylan Harrison, a convicted felon serving a 12 month prison sentence for illegal distribution of synthetic marijuana, still has two shops on Lake Avenue. Directly before his court case, he got a new partner, Ron Van Tassell, who has been developing a new product that they say is a dietary supplement drink, Mr. Nice Guy Relaxinol.  The ingredients in this new drink are legal at this time according to the PBSO--melatonin and other ingredients found in teas to help you sleep and Van Tassell is loading the product for full effect. The full effects of long-term exogenous (dietary) supplementation in humans have not yet been ascertained, Wikipedia.  Harrison's and Van Tassell's intent, if marijuana becomes legal for recreational use, is to add it to their product.

So, if in the future you spot real zombies walking down Lake Avenue, never fear, the entrepreneur is near. They will all just be sleep-walking.


  1. I'll take my chances with a LOCAL Pot Grower over the FDA Monsanto Supreme Court and elected rep suppression of GREAT HARM to the FOOD SUPPLY!!

    Just google:
    monsanto gmo tumor pictures
    Mother Earth News
    Natural News
    If the Gov allows this chit - pot is NOT THE problem!

  2. big investigation going on due to comment Dylan Harrison made that he employees many cops--many police officers arrested due to illegal sells of steroids and pills with their weapons out of wellness centers of lakeworth and wellington

  3. Andy Amoroso took $1500 from Harrison and friends and just won't talk about it. Hope they investigate him too.

  4. Why does Amoroso need to talk about a $1500 campaign contribution? You crack heads have beat it like a dead horse just like everything else. And where did it get you? He got elected twice now, will get elected if he runs again and was never accused of any wrongdoing. So basically your false accusations and 3 years of whining got you nowhere.
