Monday, June 2, 2014

Homeless living in van at Bryant Park area

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Dear Bryant Park Neighborhood Association,

Please know we (PBSO) have engaged the occupants of this van no less than a dozen or so times in the past week, mostly with our supervisors. We understand the concerns of the Neighborhood Association and we are putting forth our best efforts to address the neighbors’ concerns. Also please know that to the best of our knowledge there are no laws being broken by the occupants of the van; however, we are closely monitoring their activities to ensure that continues to be the case. The occupants purport to be leaving on their own volition later this week after the husband (It’s a couple with no children who are living in the van) receives his disability check which will hopefully resolve the situation. Please feel free to pass this message on to the members of your association as you would like as several of them, I believe, have expressed their concerns to city staff and to the commissioners.

Thank you for all your efforts to address these types of quality of life issues and If you would like further elaboration on this matter, please feel free to call me in my office at (561) 202-9655.

Sincerely, Captain Rolando Silva, Esq. PBSO District 14 Commander - City of Lake Worth

You mean to say there is NO ordinance about living in your vehicle on a city street? No ordinance about using city facilities?


  1. Where is his check sent? C/o Bryant park Golfview Road green van?

  2. I hope they noticed the temporary tag expired on 06-01-14. There are indeed laws about improperly registered vehicles!

  3. Being homeless isn't a crime. If these people haven't committed any crime, then why bother them? We sometimes forget that we are fortunate just to have basic necessities in life, but we are all just one unexpected tragedy away from falling on hard times and possibly becoming homeless. Let's get over our superiority complex and cut some people a break.

  4. Absolutely, being homeless is not a crime. But often time crime follows the homeless. Where are these people showering, tolieting. Are they relieving themselves out of doors (a crime and a nuisance). Are they engaged in crime to support themselves. Are they engaged in nuisance behavior, hassling neighbors and the like for money, etc.

    I absolutely feel compassion for these people, but as someone who is harassed regularly by the homeless in the parrot cove neighborhood I have come to be extremely wary of this population and the churches that are feeding them.

    Sure, no crime to be homeless, but why should I be hassled as I walk to the green market by the homeless guys who pick up food at the Bryant Park feeding.

  5. I have always said that many of us are a heartbeat away from being homeless and we need to have some empathy for all those good folks and families that got caught in this economic depression, lost their jobs, homes, etc. However, the fact remains, that many of the homeless are committing crimes in our city. The government needs to do something but we continue to bury our heads in the sand to this serious social problem. No one should be homeless in America. It is a sad situation and no one has any solutions really.

  6. I always ask "why can other communities make them move on?" These people are here because we lt them stay there. Try going to Key West and sleep in your car. How about over the bridge into Palm Beach?

    If they have the answer that keeps them moving ending up in Lake Worth where "we can't make them move on" why don't we simply ask them what the magic words are?

  7. The difference between other cities and ours is a competent commission and city staff vs. what we have here in Lake Worth. People allowed to squat in a van ? What total B.S.Would this be allowed to happen in any other city ? Hell no. There must be an unspoken agreement with the county P.B.S.O. -Let them come to Lake Worth ,you can clean out your cities and the scum can collect here. I find it VERY hard to believe that these people can't be written up for vagrancy, at the least. Do I have any sympathy ? Hell no. I'm paying millions in taxes to
    "help the homeless".I'm sick of the disgusting beggars at every street corner. Hey Maxwell, can you take a break from the League of cities business long enough to be a Lake Worth Commissioner and get something done about this ??We all know you want to move on to bigger and better things than this crap hole, but for now, you lead this crap hole. Do something about it.

  8. Two reasons that they are here. One, church and charity feeding programs. You don't see either happening in Palm Beach. Two, the so called sober homes who don't provide treatment and kick out people who don't follow the rules. Then these folks are stuck here. Again, no sober houses in Palm Beach (some how they've figured out how to enforce their short term rental laws).

