Friday, June 6, 2014

Crime stats Lake Worth

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City-wide crime stats
The above link shows the crime stats since 2000 up to 2012. You just can't fudge the numbers and take one year as a comparison for justification in order to cement your argument that we are better off under the Sheriff.  PBSO has reduced the number of officers in Lake Worth from the start. Basically crime is going down across the nation according to policing units who report the stats but...

We are number 42 in the top most dangerous cities in the country.


  1. That first website is alarming, the crime in lake Worth is out of control. So bad compared to so many around us. Can you image, 42 highest in this country? Our little city. it is bad though, so much drugs, prostitution, theft, immigrant issues, it is bad and unsafe. The city admin and PBSO need to do more, but they ignore a lot of it and never want people saying we have a lot of crime. They ignore the problem as if it doesn't really exist or as if it is not that bad. Thanks Lynn, this is alarming to see this information. We need to demand more.

  2. Very interesting to look at the numbers and compare to when PBSO took over (Oct. 2008) the policing in LW. These numbers reflect my experience. Initially PBSO came out in force and was a deterrent to crime and was actively engaged in the city. Then a couple years passed and the last couple years you never see PBSO and look at the numbers starting to creep up.
