Wednesday, June 11, 2014

America has lost its sovereignty

As Jan Brewer said, “If the Obama administration put half the effort into securing our border as it has invested to institute this operation, our state and nation would not be facing this situation.”

90% of the illegal children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador and  are coming across our borders. The numbers are astronomical and we are opening up our federal facilities to house and feed them and to give them medical care. Obama has already broken his budget for this nightmare with an estimated cost of $1.4 billion more than planned. This latest illegal immigrant crossing will cost the U.S. more than $2.28 billion to house, feed and transport the children to shelters or reunite them with relatives already living in the United States.

First arriving in Texas, then some shipped to Arizona, the government now will use Ft. Sill Oklahoma. We were getting a low of 6,500 a year; now it is expected to be 90,000 this year and possibly doubling that figure next year. What do we do when the terrorists just walk in? 

This entire mess which includes impossible stress on our treasury as well as our national security is on the shoulders of President Obama. Our borders have fallen; we have lost our nation under the weakest president in history.

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