Saturday, May 10, 2014

Recent Lake Worth Crime snapshot

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We are not number 42 in crime across the country for nothing. It's the dirty little secret that this city doesn't tell you about and keeps it under wraps as much as possible.

We may have lower values west of I-95 within the city of Lake Worth compared to College Park, (properties are smaller overall) but we have far less crime. Please note that the ROLO neighborhood is in the upper left quadrant of the map and College Park, one of our upscale neighborhoods, is in the lower right.

We pay PBSO a bloody fortune for public safety.  Revenues projected for 2014:  $29,516,000--Cost of Public Safety:  $20,787,907. Public Safety was projected at 70.43% of our general revenue.

Over the years, the City allowed properties to deteriorate to a level that caused homeowners to move out of town, selling their houses at losses if they were lucky enough to find a buyer or rent them out for anything they could get to whomever they could rent to, illegal or not, during the economic collapse. Infrastructure needs to be overhauled but it does not solve the deadbeat property owner who looks the other way to blight just because he doesn't want to spend the money it takes to own it. All of this neglect affected all of the neighborhoods. City code must be adhered and the process must be accelerated. City management and enforcement of our code have  always been the problem.

The ROLO neighborhood has a president who works with other organizations to help neighbors in need. He is out every weekend helping to clean-up and spiffy-up neighboring houses and will knock on doors in his neighborhood asking property owners to fix any infraction. Getting rid of blight is a big deterrent to crime.


  1. Even though I dont live that close to the park, it should be untouched. No baseball facility. I highly respect the residents across from it defending their neighborhood and standing up to the corrupt politicians.

  2. Yes, but what about the crime? Don't you find this staggering?

  3. Maybe the topic of crime should be addressed by the Neighborhood Presidents Council. Oh, wait a minute, they're too busy kissing azz to worry about somebody stealing said azz.Talk like a pirate everybody !Build a funny raft for a raft race, everybody !
