Monday, May 5, 2014

Insfrastructure bond Issue in Lake Worth

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Channel 12 video on $60 million bond issue. Reporter Lauren Hills says the city wants to fix the roads and it will not be cheap.


  1. The powers that control Lake Worth cannot be trusted with our money. If they estimate 60 million, it's almost guaranteed that 30 of that 60 million will end up in somebody's pocket. Do we need improvements ? Yes. Can this gang of thieves be trusted to honestly give us the most bang for our buck " ? No way.

  2. The powers that control Lake Worth cannot be trusted with our money. If they estimate 60 million, it's almost guaranteed that 30 of that 60 million will end up in somebody's pocket. Do we need improvements ? Yes. Can this gang of thieves be trusted to honestly give us the most bang for our buck " ? No way.

  3. The powers that control Lake Worth cannot be trusted with our money. If they estimate 60 million, it's almost guaranteed that 30 of that 60 million will end up in somebody's pocket. Do we need improvements ? Yes. Can this gang of thieves be trusted to honestly give us the most bang for our buck " ? No way.

  4. If they estimate 60 million, it's almost guaranteed that 30 of that 60 million will end up in somebody's pocket. Do we need improvements ? Yes. Can this gThe powers that control Lake Worth cannot be trusted with our money. ang of thieves be trusted to honestly give us the most bang for our buck " ? No way.

  5. Where is the Bare Bones Vision AND MAINTENANCE PLAN for 2020?

    Is this going to cost the city an EXTRA 21K for a SUMMER VOTE vs NOV?

    Take the Lipstick OFF the Pig Plan and give US a bare bones plan to vote on! Even a Below and Above plan WE THE PEOPLE come up with and NOT OUR KOOLAID COMMON DENOMINATOR - STAFF!

    We DO NEED pipes and streets.

    We DO NOT NEED 10K Signs, trees and crazy street calming stuff (fluff)!
    Unnecessary! Allow (pay) the (local) artists to draw on the streets and make the signs. I bet anyone of them could beat the 10K price by $9,500.00. We could recycle old materials for the sign itself and
    perhaps make a plaque of thanks AND contact numbers of local businesses that helped with each sign!

    Stop the Champagne Creations
    when we are clearly on a
    Cheap Beer Budget!
