Sunday, May 4, 2014

Headaches and Hassles

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Talk about "political footballs," this has been a political baseball and it all boils down to discarding John Prince Park as their Spring training site for what the corporations believe are headaches and hassles. The giant baseball corporations may want Palm Beach County but they are smart enough to realize that bulldozing acres in a county park would stir up gigantic and unwelcomed complications.

The Astros and Nationals are not considering John Prince Park for a Spring training field that could cost anywhere from $100 to $140 million to build on taxpayer money.  The reasons given:  too many legal hassles,  too small of a site, there would be too much extra work for preparation, and there are too many restrictions on building.

Read the article... and what the Palm Beach Post has to say.  Why am I NOT surprised the Post took the position it took?

The Post describes John Prince Park as 784 sprawling acres as if taking 100 of those deed restricted acres for commerce is no big deal. It also didn't mention that the 784 acres (the county web site has it at 726.36 acres total)  include 338 lake acres. It also believes that having a Spring training facility at JPP would help the Lake Worth corridor financially as well as bring up our quality of life.  That sounds like a line right out of the Lake Worth Commission's playbook. The Post doesn't state any reasons for arriving at this opinion. We who reside adjacent to this park believe otherwise.


  1. Some of residents around JPP are the first to complain about the sad conditions in this city and demand city services to clean up the crime and blight even though they know the city is financially in a mess. They complain about the new rentals going in that will increase our tax base, they complain about almost everything but offer no financial solutions to any of the problems we face. That said, they want to keep their little piece of this city just the way it is. No changes allowed anywhere near them. The rest of us can go fly off a cliff so long as they stay just the way they are. That is sad.

  2. What is SAD is destroying a county park for corporations to make money and the wishful thinking of politicians who falsely believe it will help their tax base by throwing a neighborhood under the bus and ruining their residential neighborhood. THAT'S WHAT'S SAD...not understanding that commerce in a county park does not belong.

  3. The issue is about not hacking apart a public park for a profit entity. NONE of our county parks should be considered for ANY use other than what they are- PUBLIC PARKS ! The outcry against this insanity is not contained only in the communities around JPP. People from all over the county (and the state) are saying NO!
    And yes, we are demanding that the city clean up crime and blight in Lake Worth. Who ISN'T demanding this? Low income rentals do much more harm to the city in the long term that far exceeds any short term tax increases. Pam Triolo , Scott Maxwell and Andy Amaroso ALL ran on DECREASING the number of rentals in Lake Worth and promoting SINGLE FAMILY HOME OWNERSHIP .

  4. I just did the petition. It would be a shame to cement the park over.
    You should see what they did along the intercostal by Indiantown rd and us 1, it looks like Boca. All cement buildings and you can't see the water any longer. And now there are plans to tear down Panama Hattie's to build condos, this will be another Boca up here in Juno. I just hate it. There won't be any water access left for the rest of us.

  5. I'm all for spring training on the LE corridor, so long as its paid for by the baseball team owners and not with tax payer money and so long as its not located in a public park.
