Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Going Rogue - Slick, Sick Politics

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Lori Berman, elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2010, reelected subsequently as Democratic Deputy Whip 2012-2014.

And what a "whip" she is.  Representing District 90 where the residents of Lake Osborne Heights reside, she, just like all the rest of the politicians who fell into the "economic development spell," never contacted the ROLO president about John Prince Park and its major push by the City of Lake Worth officials to bulldoze over 100 acres of pristine park property for a national Spring training stadium. Although she was elected to represent the people of her district, she has been working behind the scenes with Lake Worth officials as revealed last night by the city attorney, Glen Torcivia. This is slick, sick politics.

Although this sort of power abuse has been going on locally for some time where elected bodies stick it in the eye of the electorate and the people they serve (think heights amendment), as one person said, "This is the defining point of when Political figures go rogue and the people no longer have a voice."

Democrat Berman won re-election to the Florida House of Representatives in 2012. During that election cycle, Berman raised a total of $120,491 She was rated 67% by Associated Builders and 72% by Associated Industries. She is a palsy-walsy with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. In 2013, she served on two committees and Progressive Florida bragged that she voted with the left, 100% of the time.  Her term is up in November this year. Remember this if she ever has an opponent.


  1. Ms. Berman, you are a politician that doesn't give a damn about the citizens you should be answering to. Believe me, now that we know you stand for the destruction of John Prince Park, your chances of winning re-election just got VERY slim.

  2. Again Our Representative is working to ruin our neighborhood and she seems to be proud of that fact. Her email is on this message and we are asking that everyone email her back that she is NOT REPRESENTING ALL THE PEOPLE but only the wishes if the Lake Worth City Commission and only because that Vice Mayor S. Maxwell is the Chair of the League of Cities.

  3. You do realize, of course, that she is elected to serve ALL the residents of her district and not just the fraction who are complaining about the park. We live in a republic where we elect officials to vote for us and not in a direct democracy where the citizens vote on every issue. If you are unsatisfied with your elected officials, then either run for office or support a candidate who best represents you.

  4. Oh, the same all Mack Mckinnon rhetoric I see and condescending advice. She is elected to serve ALL, that is correct. She did not serve this neighborhood at all, not one tiny itsy bitsy bit and neither did the LW city commission.

  5. Well you have your Republican controlled legislature to thank for the redistricting shenanigans which divide neighborhoods, towns and cities in a Republican effort to play games with the map in order for them to elect more Republicans.

  6. Oh, that's why Lori Berman DEMOCRAT, went unopposed in this big district...all due to some Republican conspiracy. I get it.

  7. Dave Kerner is a Democrat.

  8. lake worth needs to have it here--we cant afford to say no--we cant continue to live in a dump--bring the money in no matter what--and the drugs ,the lazy poor and the corrupt west palm police force out
