Monday, May 5, 2014

Former Baseball fields

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Photo: Ball Parks of Baseball

Located about 11 miles from downtown Minneapolis, Metropolitan Stadium was the home of the Minnesota Twins for 20 seasons. The history of the stadium dates to the early 1950s when city officials began searching for a site to construct a stadium in hopes of luring a Major League Baseball franchise.

The Minnesota Twins last game at Metropolitan Stadium was on September 30, 1981. For several years the stadium sat empty before being demolished in January 1985. The site was redeveloped and is now the location of the Mall of America. Inside the mall, a plaque marks the location of homeplate and a red chair bolted along a wall marks Harmon Killebrew's 520 foot homerun in 1967. -Read more...

Bush Stadium - photo:  ABNF Co.

It could be worse--Bush Stadium, once home to minor league baseball teams in Indianapolis, Indiana, has found new life as an apartment complex. It was vacated by the ballclub when they moved to the new downtown ballpark Victory Field in mid-season 1996.

Between 2008 and 2011 the Stadium was used as a storage site for cars traded in as part of the Cash for Clunkers program.

In 2011 it was proposed the stadium be turned into an apartment complex, and on March 15, 2012 demolition began. The structure of the stadium was preserved and divided into three floors of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units. The field itself retains the look of a baseball diamond with an open grassy area.

If you're looking for a point to all of this, it is that baseball teams come and go. Cities spend multi-millions luring teams with the the false hope of economic development and prosperity to be left holding the bag.  National teams seem to want multi-million amenities after a city has already spent mega millions or they threaten to move-on. This too, could be John Prince Park.

Memorial Park, Baltimore
Photo credit: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, MD-1111-64


  1. Lynn, you put a dark cloud over most everything. Say what you want but admit you have no skin in the game. Funny how you talk down to the very people who will foot the bill for improvements in your neighborhood.

  2. WHAT improvements in my neighborhood? My neighborhood is just fine the way it is.

    Next, this isn't about is about ruining a park. Can't you get that? I have "skin in the game" by living in this city since the 1950's. A person's character is not determined by how much they pay in taxes or how much money they have in general. I care about this city and I care about developers and you people ruining it. So, go talk down to someone else. Thanks.

  3. Lynn advocates for things she believes in. How come you are such a sanctimonious creep, anonymous at 5:55? There are no clouds of darkness here. You must be on the wrong blog. This was about abandoned baseball stadiums. Is there something about that revelation you just can't deal with? Like truth maybe?

  4. Really, the photo you should be showing are of the spring training facilities that are no longer used, the facility that the Orioles used to play at in Ft. Lauderdale comes to mind.

    As for Memorial stadium, one that I grew up going to, although Camden Yards was a fantastic addition to downtown Baltimore, that site was redeveloped into an area for senior living.
