Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Who was Zeituni Onyango?

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She died Tuesday in a rehab home--she was 61 years old. She migrated here from Kenya in 2000 on a valid visa and then sought political asylum in 2002. Asylum was denied in 2004, and she was ordered to leave the United States but she refused. Six years later, still defying the government's order, Judge Leonard Shapiro in Boston granted her asylum. She died before being granted citizenship. She lived here in taxpayer-subsidized housing and what others describe as "other mysteriously-funded means."

It says a lot about a person and how he treats his family. This was the aunt of the most important man on earth the leader of the free world, Barack Obama.


  1. I thought the complaint was she got special treatment because she was related to Obama. Supposedly, if not for that fact she would have been deported years ago.

    Now you complain she wasn't treated good enough. Why do you advocate for her to receive special treatment?

  2. Is that what you got out of this blog, anonymous? Gosh.

    She got no more special treatment than any other illegal who has crossed our borders illegally. What is atrocious is it was Obama's blood relative who got no financial help from him and was allowed to subsist in poverty, albeit off his socialistic government and its hand-outs. The taxpayers should not have to pay for illegals no matter who they are related to.

    She should have been kicked out of our country years ago and while she was here, the president could have helped her to live better...he didn' did. Feel proud.

  3. I got the same thing from your blog as 4:36pm, I dont understand your response. In the blog you say she came from Kenya in 2000 on a valid visa. Obama didnt become presedent till 2009. Did he know her, was she an aunt by marriage, was she a member of his imediate family?
    You took the time to put this on your blog, maybe you can add more information. Thanks.

  4. How long has Obama been here, anonymous? He allowed his Aunt to live in poverty. Disgraceful.

  5. What's the matter can't answer a couple of simple questions? Did she get special treatment because she was related to Obama or did Obama treat her like crap? You really need to review your right wing talking points before you post them and might have to explain them.

  6. Stop thinking on the left wing part of your brain--read and interpret or does EVERYTHING have to be handed to you in the form of free stuff?"
