William Waters, AIA, LEED AP BD & C
Director for Community Sustainability
Director for Community Sustainability
William Waters, speaker at the Mod Squad meeting this morning, told the group that Lake Worth is the least expensive place to invest in Palm Beach County with the city trying to be as development friendly as possible even meeting with investors in order to discuss any possible hurdles, etc. $100 million of projects are on the drawing board or are now in the process of being developed. With 49 changes to code, his department is cracking down on code violators.
He passed out flash cards on the Art of Living Collection with our new city tag line of This isn't just a lifestyle, it's an art form. Within the flash card packet that consists of eleven cards, is a description on the various departments. The project is on-going and more informational flash cards will be added to the presentation when received.
Flash Cards,
ReplyDeleteFlash Cards really?
Friggin' Flash Cards and we pay this guy HOW MUCH to Present and Pass out Flash Cards!?! Sustainable Development IS Obviously Obscenely Expensive as Flash Cards could've been created in a weekend over a bottle of wine! Instead we; the city of Lake Worth pay 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS for the H20 Czar & Department (we only collect 5.6 M Property Taxes) to show up and hand out FLASH CARDS?
Elected Reps claim HOME OWNERSHIP will improve Business and Blight but the revenue generators approved by THIS COMMISSION (Besides 'allowing' your Blue Bill MONTHLY Ball Breaker) are from 2 HUGE RENTAL projects (6th ave S AND POC: PARK of COMMERCE). Tonight the POC will be slipped in with what everyone assumes (and traitors have reported to the news) are basically the cities "Pot Hole" Problem. What did they do w/the $ you thought went BACK INTO ROADS?
"$100 million of projects are on the drawing board or are now in the process of being developed."
Remember I agreed w/Suzanne & Chris WALMART could be secretly negotiating w/William and even YOUR ELECTED Reps would not know till the 2x Vote (1 mo, 1st and 2nd Reading & Done Deal) and the PUBLIC is Unaware of! Such a deal, why wouldn't Walmart want to be here? We're on sale and we have flash cards AND POTHOLES!
49 New and/or Improved Ordinances are nothing more than a "Word Salad" To Be Tossed where the Gov set up to protect YOU/OUR Property rights instead are like Pres Bush, "The Decider" for US!
Danger Danger -
Gov CAN Supersede the Mortgage and Liens when they take 'unattended' homesteaded houses now and in the future - the Door is OPEN!
"Listening" after the fact is USELESS Unless "We the People" are invited 1st - to the table to solve our own problems! These new rules will provided NO SOLUTIONS (as proved around the US; we're all getting the same "Form Based Code" or "Fill in the Blank" Zoning for get this - shovel ready jobs and GRANT MONEY). This is a "Captain Obvious" moment or reversal of property rights when existing rules were never followed by the smallest minority amongst us, no? The City STEALS from the ELECTRIC on a monthly basis from everyone of US and the Mayor (on the TV Interview when compared to Detroit math methodology) claims a there is No Voodoo Gov Math in Lake Worth, REALLY?
Imagine (imho) if we took 4 years pirate "Booty" from the electric, would the roads be PAID FOR by ALL of US in LW?